Just Friends!

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After the incident with EJ, Kennedi will not stop leaving me alone. She goes everywhere with me! She even stands by the bathroom door! Every time a boy looks at me, she yells at them. Kennedi! I'm not a kid!!! Leave me ALONE!!! But when she goes somewhere else, I hang out with Hoodie and Masky. "Hey Hoodie! Can I have a piece of cheesecake?" Sure Taylor!" When Hoodie and Masky make cheesecake, it's soooooo delicious!!!! "Thanks Hoodie, bye!" But I guess the ONLY good thing is that me and EJ are best buddies!!!!! (No... Not b/f or g/f) But Kenn-derp won't let me near him. "Taylor! Over here!" "Ok!!!" I walked over and she was talking to Sally and Jane. "I want you two to make sure that none of the boys talk to her or even touch her. Got it?" They said yes. Then Kenn-derp walked away somewhere. "Hey, Taylor?" "Yeah?" "I'll let you talk to them." "Thank you Jane!!!!!" Then I ran downstairs and gave EJ a big hug. "Hey! Kennedi isn't here! Let's do something." "Well, I was going to go on a killing spree but if you want to come..." "I'd love to go!!!" So we went to someone's house. He lifted me up to the window and he crept in. There was a boy sleeping in his bed. Jack slowly got on his bed then stopped. "Uh, Taylor? Can you put this rag on his parents?" "Sure." I walked in slowly making sure not to wake them. I put the rag on the mother. (There was not father...) I walked back to see the boy crying as Jack put his hand on his mouth. The boy looked at me. I looked away.(😐) then Jack lifted his shirt but the boy squirmed. "Taylor, help me and hold him down." I grabbed him and whispered to him to calm him down. Then Jack lifted his shirt and cut a hole in him where his kidneys are. The kid screamed but a put my hand on his mouth. Jack grabbed the kidneys and told me to run. I did and then I stopped. He doesn't expect me to jump out a 2 story building... right? Jack jumped first. "Taylor! Jump! I'll catch you!" He yelled. I jumped and he caught me. "Thanks." He laughed. "What are friends for?" We high-fived and ran back in the woods. I saw Toby walking around. "Hey Toby!" He looked my direction. He ran over. "Yeah?" "You want to go over to lake with me and Jack?" He smiled. "Sure!" We all walked over to the lake ( hey, it's not a date... it's just 3 friends hanging out. Ok? ) and I stared at the lake. It was beautiful with the black sky! Then someone push me in and I went under. Then I resurfaced and glared at both boys. "Geez, Taylor! If you wanted to get in that badly..." said Toby laughing. (That's what she said...) "Oh, sooooo funny!" I said angry. They still laughed. Then I grabbed both of their hands and pulled them in the lake. "Hahaha! Look who's laughing now!!!!" I said laughing. They glared at me but then they laughed with me.

Kennedi's POV
I came back from getting food for myself. I walked in and everyone was quite. "Uh... where's Taylor?" Ben pointed to Jane. I looked at her and she ran upstairs. "Jane!!!" I stormed upstairs and asked Jane where the BLOODY HELL was Taylor. "I let her go." "WHAT!?!?!?!! Jane I trusted you!!!!!" "Kennedi, Taylor can handle herself." "Jane! She can't even handle herself with one sip of Mt. Dew!!!! What makes you think she can handle herself with a boy!!!!" She didn't answer. "You're going to help me find her now!" I yelled. Ben then came in the room. "Uh, I saw Taylor go out with Jack..." "WHAT?!?!?!?!? Let's go Jane!!!!" As I left the room, Slender popped up. "Child, I know where she is at the moment. She is at the lake." "Thanks, let's go!"

Time skip cause potatoes ~~~~~~~~~

Me and Jane heard laughter and splashing. I ran faster and saw Taylor, Jack, AND Toby in the water splashing around. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

We splashed around and played Marco, Polo. We then got out and ran to the prairie. But I could of sworn that I heard something behind us.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We got to the prairie and we laid down on the soft grass. Jack laid on my left and Toby was on my right. I blushed being between 2 boys. We looked at the stars then I started to fall asleep.

Kennedi's POV
We ran after them but I had to stop and rest. Jane went ahead. Then after awhile, she came back. "They are at the prairie." "Alright, let's go." We then start running again. We came up to the prairie and stopped. They were lying down looking up.(Lolz) I walked up to them but I saw that they were asleep. Toby held Taylor's arm and Jack's arm was around her head. I stared at them but then Jane's hand was on my shoulder. (Kennedi... I love you... NOTICE ME SENPAI!!!!! Jk jk jk) "Hey, stop protecting her... I know she's your friend but she knows what is wrong and right... Ok? Just leave them alone for now... Slender will punish them for being out so late, so let's go home." She dragged me away but I heard Taylor. "Kennedi... We... Are just.... friends..." she said in her sleep. I smiled and said,"goodnight Taylor... and you two assholes..."

There!!!!! Updated!!! Yeah!!!! I'm so happy that I got a free day from hell!!! Ugh, I hate school.... Well bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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