Home with friends.

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Ok, I just LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!! Hoots for Mandopony for making this amazing song!!!😉😁😋
Me and Toby walked home along with Smile. We were quiet all the way. Even Smile stayed silent! As we walked through the woods, Toby went to kill the kids that were too close to the mansion. We walked inside and I was instantly tackled on the ground. "Omg! Taylor! Never leave us!!!!!!!" "Rachel! Get off of her! Don't choke her!" yelled Winter. "Well I missed her!" "We all did." said Toby. He looked at me and smiled. I weakly smile back and walked to Slendy. (Sorry 'Slender'). "Ah, you're back!" "Yes..." "Are you ok child?" "Yeah... I'm just tired." "Well, you look tired, go get some sleep." "Yes Slendy." "Taylor. Stop calling me that." "Whatever..." I walked upstairs and went to my bed. I climbed up on the top bed and fell down face planting into the pillow.

Toby's POV
I wondered if Taylor was ok... She didn't seem like it though... I walked upstairs to check on her. I opened her door and looked around. This is like a free pass to the bathroom at school! But the only difference is that this is a girls room. But still awesome! I saw Taylor up on the top bed sleeping. I smiled. Maybe she really was tired... Oh well. I stood there for a bit then I walked in. I climbed up to where Taylor was. I hugged her. "Sweet dreams my friend..." I let go of her and closed the door and went to my own room.

Toby left the room. I wasn't asleep, I just closed my eyes. I felt satisfied for no reason. A smile creeped on my face. "You two Toby..." Then I actually closed my eyes to sleep.


I woke up feeling happy! I got out of my bed and got some new clothes. I went outside to see Jeff at my door. "Oh... Hi Jeff..." "Yeah, hi. Next time, ask me when you want to use my contacts. Got it?"I nodded my head. He walked off. I scoffed. I walked downstairs to see Toby with Hoodie and Masky. As usual, Toby was annoying Masky. I walked over to them. "Hey Taylor!!!!" yelled Toby. "Hi." "Hi Tay- Toby! Stop poking me!!!" I laughed. "Nah.... I'm still going to!" Masky grunted. "Haha. Alright Toby, you had your fun. Stop poking him." "Awww...." He stopped. Masky mouthed 'thank you'. I nodded my head. "You look a lot better Taylor!" "Thank you Hoodie!" He smiled. "Oh! Hey Taylor! Guess what? You are now a Creepypasta!" said Masky. I smiled. "I am?? Awesome!!!!" I fist pumped the air. The three of them laughed. "Yeah, you get to choose which side." I stopped. "Uh... What sides?" "Do you want to be come a proxy or a regular pasta?" "Ooooohhhhhh. Well, I think I want to become a proxy!" "Yay!!!!!" yelled Toby. "We FINALLY have a girl on our team!!!!" I laughed. "Hey, what about my friends?" "Oh, tonight they will be Creepypastas." I nodded my head.

Time skip cause I'm lazy tonight!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was becoming night so Slender sent me with Toby for my first kill. We came up to a small house. I climbed inside into a room with a teenager sleeping. He was about 16 years old. Toby gave me two thumbs up and hid. I looked at the boy. I just stared at him until he woke up. He noticed me staring at him and jumped. "W-Who are you????" I didn't say anything. "Answer me!!!!" I brushed my hair at of my face to reveal my eye socket. I could feel his fear rising. I smiled to myself be quickly hid my smile. I had to keep my depressed look. I walked slowly up to him to freak him out. It worked out. "Who are you? Why don't you have your eye?!?!? Answer me!!!!" I quickly jumped on him and held his arms above his head. "Stap!!!!!! Help!!!!" I let him call for help. They won't get here fast enough. I took out my pocket knife and held it close to his left eye. I leaned back and said; "Its a blurry world out there..." Then I stabbed his eye. He screamed really loud. I made him suffer. Then I got off him and he fell to the ground. I watched him slowly die. Then when he didn't move, Toby came in. "Wow! That was cool! Come on! The cops will be here any minute!" He grabbed my hand and ran. We jumped out of the little house and into the woods. Once we were far enough, we stopped. "Good job Taylor! That was cool!" "Thanks!" We walked back to the mansion. I saw my friends.... But they were different. "Hey, Tay!!!" said Winter. "Hey!" yelled Rachel. Kennedi came running with a pissed off Jeff behind her. "Kennedi!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!" "You mean 'put me to sleep'?" He ran after her while we all laughed. I saw Jack talking with Laughing Jack. (Too many Jacks...😖😖😖) He waved to me. I waved to him. He said bye to the clown and walked over to me. "Hey. I'm sorry for leaving you." "No excuses?" I asked. "Why bother?" I laughed at his answer. "It's ok! I'm happy now!" He smiled and we both hugged each other. I still wonder who cuffed me...

Hey!!!! I updated!!!! Yeah!!!! Anyway, here you go. Weird ending? Good. I meant it that way cause I'm weird! Anyway! I will say bye for now! Bye!!!!

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