Kpop as a genre

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"Bts are westernizing their music."

"Kpop includes many musical genres within."

Which one should I believe lmao.

I get that BTS are popular in America but just because they promote a lot in America, doesn't mean their music is wEsTerNiZInG.

BUT if it is getting westernized, what's so wrong about it? Namjoon said himself that they didn't want to limit the 'kpop' term and wanted to break boundaries and go as far as they could, so why some armys are against that?

As soon as a kpop group/idol is promoted or becoming famous in America, some kpop fans start hating on them instead of being happy because it will obviously attract more people to kpop.

NCT has hip hop style songs but they don't have this problems with their fans, Twice make cute concepts and everyone actually love them for it, Blackpink always have the badass vibe y'all look for so why it's only with BTS?

If kpop has so many genres within, why adding some 'American-sound-like' music is bad? Do you guys even know the beats that artists add and use?😂

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