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Some of y'all expect too much from your idols just because they're famous and I think it needs to stop :/

"They should know better." What makes you think your idol knows about your culture? What makes you think your idol has seen everything in life? What makes you think they're faking their happiness? What makes you think they didn't go through depression some time in their lives? What makes you think they're not really happy? What makes you think they're perfect?

I understand that they can be the sweetest people in life if you think so, like Bang Chan or Namjoon, but they're not perfect. Nobody is.

A lot of idols might lack knowledge or education because...um most of them debut so young?? I'm not trynna offend anyone but not every idol knows math, science, engineering, arts, history and every existent topic. Some can be ignorant, others aren't interested at all. Everyone is different and I think we shouldn't hate on them for not having the knowledge we want them to have.

"Their company must educate them."
Well if they're minors I guess yes but it's not their job to do so. If they don't educate themselves, nobody else will and if they don't want to, why should we force them?

And I'm not saying they shouldn't know, but just that I don't mind tbh. I swear some fans dive too deep into their idol's life😬 Leave them alone pls, they're also humans who make mistakes and you don't need to cancel them for making just one.

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