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Hello happy new year so this is the first part hehe TAKE NOTE FIRST PART:

"sunsets are beautiful aren't they." I heard yeonjun said as I look into his eyes searching for any joking glare but there is nothing.

"but the moon is more beautiful isn't." I said looking at the ceiling. We didn't know what time is it.We also didn’t know whether there is a moon or sun outside because we're too lazy to check.

"Soobin you're making this hard for me." Yeonjun said as he snuggles at soobins neck.

"Do you think it's also easy for me?!" I ask him in disbelief.

"Soobin this is for us I want us to meet again and that time you'll be proud of where I am." Yeonjun said as soobin scoff.

"But I am proud of where are you now yeonjun! Did you really have to leave if you have a choice to stay!" Soobin said tears getring ready to buckle up and enjoy their ride out of his brown eyes.

"Soobin please do understand that education is important for us especially in our age." Soobin look down as he tried his best not to cry.

"but can't you just study here?" I ask as he smile as then shook his head a little.

"I explain to you right?! I explain that we just had a little time here." Yeonjun said giving his best smile that makes my heart crumple not knowing when will I see those sparkling eyes and smile again.

"Were too young for this.This may be not real." Yeonjun said avoiding soobins judgly gaze.

"So you're saying this is not real?!" I ask as he shook his head. "then what!" I said shouting in agony.

"Yeonjun its time to leave please bid your goodest goodbye to your friends."I look at him as he look at me shocked.

"I didn't expect it to be this early." He said as he hug me tight ready to go but then I hold his hand and give my best shot as I kiss him at the lips He look shocked but nevertheless smile after

He smile and said the things I would never eber forget "We're still young but I could say this is true but then we are at the wrong time I hope when I saw you again it would be the right time." I remember what he said as I look at the person staring at me smiling.

"yeonjun." I muttered as he walk to me.

Skyeonbin| Paint the sky with your smile

Hehe make sure to read part 2 hehe anyways happy new year

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