I told soobin about us

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So this was based on my au  („• ֊ •„)

"That was close." Soobin and yeonjun said in unison as they escape the flashing lights of paparazzi

They were unexpectedly in a beautiful place which is the rooftop

"hey can you please tell me about him." Soobin said as yeonjun obvisoulsy tense at his request "of course"

Yeonjun has already finished telling soobin what happen and he can't help to cry "it's gonna be fine,come here" Soobin said which he gladly obliged "you are so strong,baby" Soobin said whisperings praises and sweet nothings to yeonjuns ear making yeonjun cry more

Yeonjun just got home and obviously open his account,his private account for taehyun.

For taehyun:hello love I already tell him about us.

I told him about how much I bother and tease you at the uni

I told him that I confess to you through my podcast so everybody can see that I'm willing to make you mine

I told him about how you give me flowers and letters everyday as a sign of assurance tha you love me

I told him about how much you love kids and how much you care for them

I told him about how much we play that we already know what hero each other would use without even looking

I told him about how much I love to tease you because I love to see your pout

I told him about how much I love to see you smile and how much I love to hear your laughs

I told him about the way you stare,I know I usually act like a jerk and act like I don't care but deep inside I do if a person can see how I fell they would probably see a image full of hearts and butterflies

I also told him that I'm not really fond of kids but I grew to love then because of the thought of having a family with you

I told him that you stayed despite of the reasons

I told him what I love about you and how much I love yout

Fortaehyun:but I didn't tell him that

I am more than willing to photograph our world full of sadness because happiness is with you

I am more than willing to experience all  the pain

I am more willing to fight with you over stupid things

I am willing to experience all of those even tho I know we're gonna end up bleeding and breaking

I didn't tell him that I am willing to leave everything even him just to be with you again my love,my taehyun

I know we will meet again,we will live in another lifetime where I was yours and you are mine.

Skyeonbin|paint the sky with your smile

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