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*Beep beep beep

Snatched from my delightful dreams

*Beep beep beep

I rose rubbing my eyes muttering through my drossiness,

*Beep beep beep

 “Who invented these things?”

*Beep beep beep

Haruhi rolled in her bed pulling a pillow over her head,

*Beep beep beep

“Who cares! Just turn it off!”

*Beep beep be-

I hit the alarm cutting off after Haruhi let out her muffled cry of defeat. Last night was a long night and we didn’t get to bed till 12:30. Honestly Haruhi and I could have gone to sleep and left Kaoru alone to wait for his driver but we stayed up watching The Lion King instead. Haruhi and Kaoru both said that it made them feel like they were kids again watching it, but to me it made me feel like I was home. Haruhi and Kaoru bickered back and forth about whether The Lion King or The Little Mermaid was the best Disney cartoons. While I sat in the middle of them singing, “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Didaly didaly! Here they car standing in a row, Bump bump bump. Big ones, small ones, some as big as a head!”

Haruhi and I got ready and had breakfast with Ranka. I grabbed a banana from a bowl of fruit and as I piled it I began to sing quietly, “Asante sana squash banana. Wewe nugu, Mimi hapana!” I when to take a big bit after making my banana dance across the table but when I seen the look Haruhi gave me I stopped.

“Will you cut it out?” She asked giving me a serious look.

I shrugged my shoulders high and smiled, ”’Can’t cut it out, it will grow right back!’” I let out an insane chuckle and started on my banana.

Haruhi rolled her eyes and tended to her toast while Ranka just shook his head and laughed, “What does that mean anyways?”

“Asante sana, Thank you very much.” I translated to Ranka then turned to Haruhi and sang, “Wewe nugu, mimi hapana. That means you’re a baboon,” I poked Haruhi in the head then pointed to myself, “And I’m not.” I let out another laugh of insanity as Haruhi rubbed her head.

“Ouch, that hurt!” She cried out.

I nodded my head slowly and quoted in voices of sorrow, “’ Ah… yes the past can hurt. But the way I see it, is you can either run from it. Or learn from it!’” I went to poke her in the head again and she let out another grunt of pain, I just looked at her for a moment before saying, “Not much of a fast learner are ya?”

“Dad!” Haruhi shouted.

“Bri,” he looked at me sternly.

“Haruhi?” I crossed my arms looking at her.

“Bri!” She shouted.

“Ranka?” I looked to him.

“Haruhi?” He said with a confused face.

Then I jumped up with a wide smile, “Brianna!” I reached down and pulled Haruhi from her seat, “Come love, let’s go to school.”

The air continues to grow warmer and the snow around us continued to thin out. Soon it will all be gone and spring will soon be here. Winters a cool time to stay in and cuddle but put me in spring and I’ll be a happy girl. The cold always bothered me anyways, I just wanted to build a snowman. And now I did! So now I wish I could just wave a wand and shout, “Snow be gone!” I accidentally shouted aloud while throwing my arms in the air.

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