New Year, New Beginnings

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“Oh my god, is he ever going to shut up?” I whispered to Kaoru as we watched this lawyer run his mouth.

“All we asked for was his name,” Kaoru whispered back.

But then Hikaru who was clutching his head said aloud, “It’s been ten minutes. Leave.”

The lawyer look up at is in shock, “Oh no… no I’m sorry I… I didn’t mean to… I mean, you see I’m just so nervous.”

I stood up and walked over to him, “It’s okay, but if you’re that nervous just to talk to us; I don’t think this is the job for you.” I offered him a hand but he flinched back, “If they see you do that they might try to come after me too. Don’t do that!” He said very crowdedly backing up as far as the couch aloud him. No I lie, he jumped over the back of the couch to get father away.

I turned to the twins, “Yeah, not him.”

They stood up and Hikaru said, “Called it when I seen him.”

“There’s been worse.” Kaoru shrugged as they scooped up the man off the floor.

As we walked to the front door he tried explaining that he really wanted this job but we just talked around him. “Yeah like the lady who sent the whole time accusing me of being a rotten thug and a thief.” I laughed.

“Bet she’s still on the porch,” Kaoru moaned just before we opened the door and the crazy lady jumped in front of us again.

“I demand you take me on this case! No one can do this better than me!” She yelled.

Kaoru let the crowdedly guy out while Hikaru pulled the lady to the side, “Listen to me! If you don’t leave this property I will call security and have you removed.”

“Oh but they get to stay!” She pointed at the eight people standing in the yard dressed as the KKK lined up the walkway.

“Well they’re not, YELLING AT ME!” Hikaru screamed in her face.

She glared at him for a moment or so before she wiped around and started down the stairs.

“Are you sure they won’t get me?” Cried the crowdedly lawyer.

“Just go,” Kaoru said pushing him down the first step.

He looked back then started down the walkway with KKK lined up on either said of him. He walked very carefully down the middle of the walkway but when one of them sneezed he jumped hard falling to the ground. Everyone one of them looked at him and he go up quickly and run off.

Just as he turned past the gate and lady walked around him with a strange look. When she turned her head to the walk way and seen the KKK standing there she tilted her head and shouted up to us, “Do I have the right house hold?”

“You’re a lawyer?” Kaoru asked.

“Yes.” She answered as she started stepping our way.

“This is the right house,” Hikaru said as he leaned against the door ready to deny another lawyer.  

She looked back and forth between the people standing along the walkway and I shouted so they all could hear. “Oh don’t be afraid of our lawn ornaments. I know they can be slightly unpleasant.”

“Bri will you shut up,” Hikaru hissed at me.

I rolled my eyes, “Oh what they gonna do, hang me?”

I looked back to the walkway and the one closest to us was swinging a noose around.

I closed my eyes tightly, childishly sticking my tong out at the person. A second later Kaoru was in front of me blocking me and I heard a yelp. Kaoru moved aside and I opened my eyes to see this lady have the person tied up and on the ground saying, “What is the matter with you! You don’t going throwing nooses at people!” She took a deep breath and look up to us, “Sorry I don’t like your lawn ornaments very much.”

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