Why so Shy?

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           He holds his wrist tightly, hiding it. "Toshi. Please tell me you didn't," I plead with the male. He doesn't say anything but the knife on the counter confirms my suspicions. I throw the cabinet below the sink open in search of bandages and eventually stumble upon some. I pry his hand away from the wound, pouring alcohol found in my conquest over his wrist. He sucks in a breath before sighing as the pain comes to an end. I wrap the bandages around his wrist tightly. When I look up at him, he is looking away. I grab his face, forcing him to look at me. He gives me an uninterested look. I slide my legs over his, sitting on his lap. "Don't you ever do that to yourself!"I command the taller. I put my forehead to his shoulder. "I could never live without you. You saw what happened when I was without you for a few days! The only reason I'm still alive is because Aizawa stopped me from shocking myself to death." I lift my head up and he looks at me with a horrified expression and I don't blame him because I was terrified when I found out about him. "I love you." He looks away. I move to face him, bringing my lips to his. We move in sync, my lips finding comfort in the pattern his move. He pulls me closer to him, meanwhile making the kiss much more intense.

          "Breakfast is rea-" Eri cuts herself off at the sight of us. I scramble away from him, throwing on a t-shirt. "Thanks, Eri," Toshi sends her away. I feel his fingers on my upper back. "Why so shy, baby?" He asks. I look at him astounded. "Are you saying it's not a big deal that your sister just caught us making out?!?!" He laughs and I look at him like he's insane. He has officially lost it. "The look on your face," he clarifies. I giggle before kissing him and he looks shocked. I smirk. "The look on yours." I run out of the room to the kitchen.  I feel Toshi behind me and soon enough his hot breath is on my neck. "You love me don't you?" He asks and I am standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Yes," I whisper back. He brushes his bottom lip on the sensitive skin behind my ear. "Good," he tells me before his hand, having no mind for the other people in the room, squeezes my butt, walking away like it was nothing. I gasp, biting my lip mid-sound. Everyone was looking at me, eyes wide, and my face heated. I turn to the door. "I think Imma leave now," I state. "That's the closet door," Eri tells me and I hear Toshi snort in the distance. "Yes. Yes, that is. Good job." I walk to the door on the other side of the room. "Goodbye now. Have a nice morning." I've nearly closed the door when I hear Toshi yell, "I'll be over later." I laugh at that. "You better be on your best behavior." With that I close the door, walking down the street to my home.

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