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            Across the room, a monotonous ringtone sounded. Toshi jumped up like a cat frightened by a tree branch snapping. He pulled off his clothes and I blushed, turning around. "Babe we gotta go!" He exclaims. I, already dressed, look at him confused. "Where?" But before I get an answer, he snatches my hand and leads me to my front door. "Shoes," he states before walking out the door. I put my shoes on and run after him. "Toshi!" I whine before gasping at the sight in front of my eyes. There was a limo waiting at the end of my driveway and on my driveway, yellow rose petals were scattered leading to the vehicle. Toshi held the door open and in his mouth, he held a black rose. I take it out of his mouth gently before kissing him roughly. I pull away, sitting in the limo and he does the same. He slips his arm around my shoulder as the driver starts driving and kisses my forehead softly. "This is amazing, Toshi," I admit. He smiles, looking into my eyes. "You know what's even more amazing?" He asks. There's a pause before we both respond in sync. "You." We both smile fondly at each other before bursting out into little giggles. Then, the worst thing possible happened.

            I. SNORTED. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Now he's gonna hate me and not love me anymore because hes gonna think I'm disgusting and not worth loving and- "Hey," he says in a soothing voice, pulling me to his chest. I lean into his chest and tilt my head slightly to look up at him. He kisses my forehead and plays with my hair absent-mindedly. "Is this too much? Did I overwhelm you? I'm sorry, babe. We can go back if you'd like?" I'm shocked to silence for about five seconds before I find it in myself to speak up. "No! This is lovely, Toshi. It's me that's the issue! I just don't want to mess anything up. I love you too much for that . . ." He kisses my lips, biting my lower one softly and I gasp. He pulls away and licks my cheek playfully. "You could never mess anything up, Babe. You're perfect. I mean look at those beautiful golden orbs of hope that you get the pleasure of calling your eyes. Also that smile where your pearly white teeth are all showing and the happiness travels to your whole body and little bits of electricity run across your skin like kids on a playground playing tag. Your little nose that twitches everytime you figure out something is absolutely adorable and your sense of humour is impeccable. You've brightened my every day again and again and you've given me unconditional love even in my worst moments and as such, Denki Kaminari, are you ready to start this new adventure with me?" I'm in awe as the car pulls to a stop. "We've arrived at your destination, Mr.Aizawa- Yamada." Hitoshi pulls out his wallet and hands the man a card which he swipes and hands back to Hitoshi. We step out the car. "And the adventure starts!" I exclaim before bursting out into giggles.

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