Heroes Too

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"Kaminari! I'm begging you to leave now!!" He screams at me. "I need to help you, Toshi. I have to help you. I have to be here for you! No matter what!! I love you!!! For real!!! It's not just some act!!! I've been in love with you since the moment I met you and I WILL help you in any and all ways possible even if you don't feel the same!!!!" I scream, breaking out of the strong grip he has on my arm. "Kaminar, I'm begging you. Don't make me have to show you out myself!! I will make you leave and I will brainwash you so you will never look at me the same way again. I can make you hate me!! I could be forcing you to love me now!! You don't know!!! This could all be fake!! Please don't make me have to be the bad guy here, Kami. I don't want to hurt you."         "Then don't hurt yourself!! Do you think I didn't notice all the bruises and cuts? That isn't just from training! You might not want me to, but I know you Shinso and I know you'd sacrifice yourself any day to save someone else. You're a hero but even heroes need to be saved sometimes! Let me save you." He shakes his head and says, "You've given me no choice" but as he's activating his quirk, I've already activated my own. I shock him, paralyzing him. My memory starts to get fuzzy, as it always does when I use my quirk and I struggle harder than usual, trying to remember my goal. I walk over to his dads. What did I plan on doing? Breaking them up. Right. "Mic, if you don't mind. I would like you to stay in Hitoshi's room tonight. He won't mind. He's coming home with me." I lose my train of thought and my head hurts so bad for trying to think of what I need to after I electrocuted my brain. I bent over in a crouch. "Mr.Aizawa you take the couch!" He hands me a Tylenol and follows my directions. I'll come over tomorrow morning to pick one of you up and I expect you two to be getting along well enough to know which one of you it's going to be!" I then pick up Shinso, putting his arm around my shoulder and his legs in my arms. "My god you have too much muscle," I mutter, struggling under the weight of him. I walk out the door, locking it and leaving. I feel him squeeze his arms around my neck, as if I am a teddy bear. "I love you, Kami," I hear him mumble and for a second, I think he is awake but when I look down, I am sad to see that he is peacefully sleeping, head tucked into my chest. After what seems like hours, we finally arrive at my house and I unlock the door, swing it open, and lock it behind us. I walk to my room, glad that I don't have stairs, and set him down on the bed. I slip my pants and shirt off and throw on a nightshirt with Pikachu on the front. I look at him and see that he is still in those jeans, which look very uncomfortable. I slip the jacket off from his waist and when he doesn't move or do anything to indicate that he is awake, I head over to my dresser, finding a silk black pair of pajama pants. I throw them on the bed beside his head. and then slowly slip the jeans off of his form, making sure not to slip the underwear off with them. My face is so hot, I'm 99 percent sure I'm on fire. I slip the black pants on him, lifting his leg up to get them on his thighs. Once the pants are on, I slip his sleeping body under the covers and am about to leave when a hand grabs my shirt. "Stay," He whispers. As much as I would like to, you're going to hate me in the morning and I don't want you to hate me even more. I come close to him and he releases my shirt. I kiss his lips softly and part mine from his but he seems to not be fully satisfied with that because he pulls my head to his, pushing his lips against mine harshly. "I loved Togeike but I love you more," he tells me and anything I felt before has vanished at the mention of her name. He starts to look sad as there is no one to sleep with him, no one for him to cuddle with, before he takes the pillow beside him and inhales deeply. As I leave, I hear him mumble my name and a soft smile shows itself to my face.

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