Family Once, Family Always

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"Another loud blonde?!" Aizawa whisper-screams, trying and failing to keep his cool.

"Mhm," Mineta replies.

"Well, Grape-head get out of my class. You're expelled because you just did something that you thought would hurt my son's boyfriend. He's family now. Deal with it." Mineta looks at him in shock, screaming out excuses through his tears but Aizawa doesn't listen. Soon, Hound dog comes to escort him off the premises. Aizawa then teaches like everything is perfectly normal. The class goes by fast and I do my best to pay attention but my mind often wonders to Aizawa's response. Family? Does that make Aizawa his dad? DADZAWA!!!! 

Class ends and a hand on my chest stops me from leaving. "We need to talk," Aizawa states. "Alright, Eraser Head." The students file out eventually and I am left to talk. I slide onto the nearest desk. "Whatcha wanna talk 'bout?" I ask, knowing the answer but not wanting to admit it. "Your grades." I let out a shocked gasp.

"I thought I was doing better!"

"Of course you are, idiot. I was being sarcastic. I wanna talk about my son."

"Then shouldn't you talk to your husband?" I ask, confused. Mr. Aizawa shakes his head as if put up with my stupidity.

"I wanna talk about you dating my son." I look down at the ground.

"Oh," I whisper.

"Mhm. You're obviously better than his last girlfriend but I don't want you to get caught up in a relationship with him, okay? Family once, family always, and if something does happen, I'll be here for you and him. I don't want you to get hurt but he has just been hurt really badly. I want you to know what you're getting yourself into before you get in too deep."

"I know, Mr.Aizawa but I've loved him ever since I met him at the sports festival. I don't think I can deny this feeling any longer. I know that my stupidity is just going to get me hurt and I know that he doesn't really love me but if there's even the slightest chance that he might, I have to take it. Even if he doesn't love me now, maybe I can make him fall in love with me over time. I have to try and I have to give this my all. I was in too deep when I got lost in his indigo eyes. There's no way for me to turn back now."

"I understand," Dadzawa says and for some reason, I believe him. I believe that he has experienced the same thing I'm feeling. Shinsou is waiting for me outside the door. "H-hey, Hitoshi," I greet, trying to sound casual. I really hope he did not hear that conversation. "Trying to make me out to be the bad guy, huh? Just like everyone else?" He walks away. "I don't know why I thought you were different." I run, pushing him against the nearest wall. "Because I am." I kiss him, trying to imitate what he did to me earlier. He spins me around and walks away. "You're just like the rest, Kaminar. No different, no better, only slightly worse. We're done with. Find someone else to talk s**t about."

"Wait." He turns around and I can tell he doesn't want to waste another ounce of his time on me. "Give me another shot. Please. I'll do anything," I beg.

"And what can you do for me?" He spits, like the words are burning his mouth. I walk up to him, my hand on his chest, and then I look up. "Whatever you want." He looks angry but he says nothing. He just turns away. It didn't work. My plan didn't work. I've lost him before I could even find him. I fall back against the locker and a sob escapes my lips. When he is so far in the distance that he is not much more than a dot, he turns around. "Are you coming, loser?" I run to catch up with him. "Always." He holds his arm out and I intertwine it with my own. I smile. He yanks his arm away, jerkily, and looks at me for a solid minute. His sleeves touch my face and dab the tear-marks away. "My dad was right you know?" He puts his arm around my shoulder. "You shouldn't fall too deep."

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