Game of Manipulation

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          I blink twice and the words have changed. Now they read, "That was me, babe. Are you alright?" I blink two more times and the message tells me I'm a loser and how he hates me. I exit the tab, turn off my phone and throw it at the mattress. A wave of painful energy comes over me, zapping my body but the pain momentarily makes me forget about him so I let it come over me, again and again. Midoryia isn't the only one that can hurt himself with his quirk. A new wave starts but is stops midwave. I look to the door to see Aizawa with wide eyes. In my mind, I'm thinking a lot of nasty things but none of them come from my mouth. I smile at him, prtending to be happy. "Hey, Mr. Aizawa." He looks at me with a mix of skeptical and worried impinted on his face. "You've got a lot of explaining to do kid."

          "So that's all you've missed," I whisper from my spot on his shoulder, burried in the cloth of his shirt. "I'm sorry about, Toshi. I really am." He pats my back, telling me that I'll be okay, eventually. I pull away from him. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa," I say quietly, pulling a fake smile on my face. "If you choose to wait for him, he'll come around and if you don't I respect that and he'll be forced to, too."

          "Yes sir." The nurse comes in as my teacher is walking towards the other door. "Just an FYI, he's not dating Hogeike."

          Recovery Girl stabs me with needles but I don't feel agony in the pain. Instead, I feel pleasure because it wipes my emotional pain away. She gives me seven medications and I pretend to take them, in reality just wedging them in between my gum and cheek so when she looks for them she cannot find them. When she leaves, I spit the medication into the trashcan. If I wanted to be high, I'd hit up Sero for a joint but after what Mr.Aizawa said to me, I think I want a clear mind. I go onto my Facebook and change my relationship status to single, just so Toshi will know I'm dating someone when I change it to taken tomorrow. Then, I pull out my phone and text Jiro, "Wanna help me with something?" I get a reply seconds later and I inform her of the plan. After agreeing that it will help her chances with Momo, she changes her status on Facebook to taken by Denki Kaminari. With that established, I rest my head on the pillow, falling into an effortless sleep.
That night I dream of what an actual relationship with the female aforementioned but it doesn't feel right. She helps distract the pain but her prescence doesnt completely absorb it. I wake up to my ringtone blaring. I look at the caller I.D. to see Toshi. Without putting much thought into it, I answer the call.

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