Dead Roses

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I wish I could say losing the love of your life gets easy at some point, that if you have the same situation as I did, your heart won't plummet everytime you walk out of class, subconciously waiting for him to waltz out of nowhere and deliver you to your next class, but that's just not how it works. Instead of being happy like my classmates insist, my happiness has been broken. I've lost weight, my freinds tell me. I look pale, another chimes in. Eventually, they'll stop repeating the same things like a broken record. The teacher raises his voce at the head of the class but his words are muffled. The pain in my heart intinsifies and the light gets a million times brighter from it's place on the ceiling pane. I fight the urge to scream and instead let warm tears roll down my face. "Please," I whisper. The air conditioner is a billion times louder. Images flashing in my head of Toshi and I. Me waking up on his bed,  him kissing me in the hall, sure I've had good moments in my life without him, but with him, every moment is profound, significant, out of this world. My eyes fly open, darting towards the door, and there he stands, beautiful as ever. I don't know what I'm doing until I am doing it. My arms are around his neck and I'm trying my best to remember the exact details of everything that happened. "Why'd you leave me? Was I not good enough? I'm sorry." His arms wrap around my back, thumbs rubbing circles on my back. Just then, I realize everyone has been staring at us the whole time and Aizawa quickly dismisses class, walking out himself after giving me a worriesome look but I don't care. As soon as everyone leaves, Toshi leaves my arms to lock the door and then he walks over to me. "Shinso-"

"I don't like that name. Not from you," he admits like it's a great tragedy to say the truth. "Okay, Toshi." He nods before kissing my lips. "Much better." I kiss him, wanting to savor the feeling of his lips against mine. I pull away. "Are you gonna stay?" He kisses me, this one a little rough. "Of course not," He whispers.

I jolt up, in a panic at the sight of the unknown room before recognizing it as the nurse's office. No one is around and the pain is terribly intinsified so I shock myself to find redemption from my emotions and thoughts.

After about fifteen minutes of scrolling though Instagram posts, a voice startles me. "Hey Kaminar." I look up to see the purple-haired male that inspired all this pain. The shock's aftermath has worn off and now I have to fight my subconious full on. "Please. You're not real. Your just an illusion, a sick, sick illusion my mind put in place to show me how miserable I am without you. Just show me the reality," I beg with myself. The illusion walks forward touching my cheek. "Great! Now I'm insane enough to feel things that aren't real. I love how insane I am." By this time, tears are steadily falling down my face.

"Who has done this to you?" The purple haired asks me, clenching his teeth.

"Please don't make me say it. I love you. I love you so much."

"It. Was. Me."

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