All Kings Fall

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"It's all my fault! It's all my fault! The love of my life is in a coma and it's all my fault!!!" I hear a voice cry out over the beeping. "Hitoshi Shinso! Calm down! He's going to wake up and when he does, he's going to need you more than ever!" Shinso? What's going on?

"No! This wouldn't have happened if he had never met me! I just need to leave."I open my eyes, croaking out a small, "Wait!" The sudden light filtering in my eyes, driving me into further pain.  Aizawa rushes up to me and the purple-haired boy looks back to me before leaving. "Go get him. Please?" A lady in a white coat comes into the room. She has one of those thingies they press to your chest around her neck. I'm pretty sure those things are supposed to make sure you're not overweight and your chest isn't too big. She looks at me with a smile. "It's great to see you're up already. Most patients don't recover this quickly."

"Patient? What are you talking about? Where am I? Who are you? What's going on? And why do I want to see that purple haired boy so much? Do I know him? He looks familiar. He's really cute. I would think I would have remember seeing someone that cute."

"Calm down. I'll explain most of this," the brunette speaks. I nod eagerly, urging her to continue. "This is a hospital room. You are in the hospital because you got in a terrible car crash. You were in a coma for a few days and everyone was worried sick about you. I don't know much about the purple-haireed boy but I'll tell you what I do know. His name is Hitoshi Shinso. He was adopted by two of your teachers, Present Mic and Eraser Head because his real parents died. He feels he was the cause of his parents' death and thinks that if he gets close to anyone the other person will die just like his parents did. When his parents died, they drove their RV off of a bridge and Hitoshi jumped out in time but his parents did not. Hitoshi's quirk is brainwash and he thinks that he could have, in that split second, brainwashed his parents to jump out but they were already off the bridge when he had thought of that idea. As to your relation to him, he just moved to your class but that was while you were in your coma so I have no idea. Maybe you saw him at the sports festival. He went up against Izuku Midoryia."

Suddenly, I remember this pain in my head and I can feel it now as well, as if someone is trying to take away myself from me. I scream in agony, remembering the pleading I did with the purple-haired boy. The boy I love so much. Toshi. I remember yelling at him, screaming that I was right, that he was just as in love with me as I was him. The worst thing is, I remember the way he looked seeing me in pain. "Bring Toshi now," I whisper to the nurse before the pain resurfaces. My eyes close instantly. The scream comes back and my arms pull my legs to me, my head facing down. I remember how he reached his arm out but then yanked it back instantly, as if he wanted to help but couldn't. I remember the tear slipping out of his eye as he looked at everything else but me. I remember how he dug his long black acrylic nails into his arms to try to stop the tears from leaking out his eyes. I remember his sclera starting to turn red from the holding in of the tears. I remember how pained he looked when I told him he was my reason for living, even if the look was only for a second. I also remember how much he hated me for interfering with his parents, how he wanted to walk me home so we could both escape it all. I remember how much resentment he looked at me when I greeted him in the morning. On the other hand, I remember every time my lips have ever met his, every time I've ever dressed up to impress him, every time I've wished he would love me, and now he does. I have to see him. I struggle to open my eyes and when I do, the pain of the light makes my pain a hundred times worst. I struggle but succeed to stop my screaming and the tears silently fall down my face as I try, slowly to focus my brain enough to where I can move my legs. My head hurts so much but I try to focus on the way my feet hit the ground, and not the unbearably loud sound they make. Soon I bump straight into someone and the pain in my head starts to fade just a bit. I look up and see the one and only Toshi. I wrap my arms around him. "Toshi," I whisper. He falls back and a passing by nurse catches him, rushing him to a room. My eyes start to water but I try to hold the tears back, for him. The nurses that aren't assisting Toshi are pulling me away from him, towards my room. "Forget about me. Find someone new," He whispers hoarsely.  "You're my ruler," I scream, tears leaking from my eyes and the throbbing head pain coming back but I don't care about anyone but him. "You're my king." He smiles softly looking at me with a sympathetic look. "Kings fall."

"WAIT!" I scream, trying to break through the wall of nurses blocking me from him. "I LOVE YOU, TOSHI!!!!"  I continue fighting the women until one of them stabs me with a long needle. "Kaminar," I hear his beautiful velvet voice say one last time.

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