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"Where are we, Toshi?" I ask opening my eyes and trying to see through his fingers. X-ray vision would be nice right now! "Walk with me," He commands in a deep rough voice that makes me fall in love with him all over again.  I walk where he leads me and stop abruptly as he does. He removes his hands and I have to blink a couple times before I actually believe the scene in front of me. To any other, this would seem like a normal date but it was so much more. On the ground there was a blanket my grandma knit by hand in the 1920's. On top of the blanket sat my pillows with roses embellished on them that Mina and I made the first time we hung out together for a YouTube video. In the middle was a wicker basket that Eri and I made when I watched her for Bakubro and Midoriya.  I feel a tear fall down my cheek. Shinso's hand wipes the tear from my cheek. "Are you alright, Love?" I laugh slightly at the concern in his voice. I face him and smile at him. When he sees my smile, he smiles as well and it's so beautiful that I can't stop myself from kissing him. Each time our lips meet is a brand new memory branded into my mind and my body. I don't think about a thing when my lips meet his, it's just instinct. His teeth skim my bottom lip before he pushes his tongue out of his mouth to trail over it. I open my mouth and he steals the opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth. He explores each crevice and corner as an explorer explores a cave full of mysteries. He pulls away and pulls me on to the picnic blanket, fixing me food and drink in a fairly cordial fashion before fixing his own. I smile at him with one of those best-thing-in-the-world smiles. "You're the best," I tell him. He looks at me with a smile.  "Only with you," he replies smoothly. I mentally facepalm and look at him with a disappointed expression. "You've out-flirted the flirt," I cry in fake agony. 

"With you, it just comes naturally. Something about your presence brings that side out of me." A smile grows on my face. "So your saying that I'm the inspiration and therefore the best flirt on Earth?" I ask him. He looks a me with a smirk and pulls my hand away from my side to his lips as he bestows a small kiss upon it. "Of course, my love." I am trapped in awe. Who knew Hitoshi Shinso was such a die-hard romantic? He's making my heart literally die.

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