I Feel...

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"Please," I beg him, tears streaming down my face, my arms clinging to him. He looks at me and then makes a decision. "I'll listen and tell you what I think then. Now, are you driving or me?"

"Toshi, I don't think you're going to like my plan. You might try to stop me if you came with and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll follow you to Jupiter and Mars. This will be no different, wherever it is. You don't have to tell me, yet. I trust you enough to drive safely," he tells me. "I love you," I tell him, tears streaming down my face even more. He backs away. "Last time you said that I ended up blacking out. Let's not do that anymore. Okay? Let's not use our powers against each other like a weapon. Let's not omit the truth. I want to know everything about you, the good and the bad, and if I'm mad at you, might as well get it over with so we can get back to happy because I want us to be happy. Christmas is a few days away and I want to be with you under the mistletoe. I don't want anyone else but you and I know you must feel the exact same so I'm going to hear you out and we're going to figure this all out." By this point, I am bawling like a newborn. He tries to hold my face in his hand but after all the sweet words I just witnessed, I'm ready to tell him the truth. I walk towards the car, unlocking the driver's door and passengers. "Get in, love. Next stop: airport."
He looks at me with a confused look but doesn't question it.  Instead, he slides his skinny behind in the seat neighboring mine. I start up the car and begin explaining what happened between me and Hogeike. A few tears roll out of my eyes until he grabs my right hand and holds it tight. "It isn't your fault, babe," he tells me and I'm astonished someone as smart as him can think such a thing. "Yes. It is. I kissed her back!" I restate. "I know but she kissed you first and you said yourself that it was nothing compared to the way you feel when I kiss you." He takes my hand and lifts it to his lips, kissing it softly. "See what I'm getting at?" I nod my head, quickly. I pull into the drive-through of a Steak-n-Shake. "Why am I so stupid?" I ask him. He grips my hand, kissing it and all up my arm. "You," He speaks between kisses. "Are," he continues, kissing me a few more times. "Not," He states, kissing my lips. I see that there's a big gap in front of us and cars honking behind. "Shoot," I whisper, pulling up to the menu. "Hello. Welcome to Steak-N'-Shake. How may I take your order?" We are greeted. "I want a Western BBQ 'n Bacon Steakburger 'n Fries with an Oreo Mint shake," I tell her. "Alright, will that be all?" She asks. "No ma'am. What do you want Toshi?"

  "I'm not hungry."

"He'll have the same no ketchup, extra pickle, and an eggnog milkshake."

"Will that complete your order?"

"Yes ma'am." As I drive up to the pay window Toshi tries to hand me his card but I reach for my wallet pulling mine out instead. What I didn't realize is Toshi wasn't asking to pay, he was demanding. He had reached over me and paid the lady using his card while I was grabbing mine. When I looked up, he was hovering over me. "Toshi!" I exclaimed. "I was going to pay!" He just chuckled, sitting back in his seat, sliding his card back in his back pocket. "You can pay me later, on the plane with a kiss." I grin at that as I drive forward to pick up our food. "I thought you didn't like PDA."

"I'll make an exception for you." I lean over and kiss his lips once and am surprised when I part from his lips and he kisses me again. A fake cough interrupts us. I look to the lady at the window with our food. "Sorry," I apologize, taking the food and shakes. She grunts and closes the window. "That was rude service. I'm leaving a bad rating," Toshi says, handing me my burger before taking out his own. "We kind of we're about to have a make-out session at the drive-through of a Steak-N'-Shake," I defend the holy restaurant. "Yeah yeah." He bites in his burger at the same time I bite into mine. "Waddya think?" I ask.  He doesn't respond but instead takes another bite. "I'm glad you like it." I laugh.

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