Love Me Like You Do

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"Hey baby wake up," I plead with the male. He grunts. I go over to him and shake his shoulder slightly. He grabs my arm, pulling me onto the bed and on top of him. The towel around my waist loosens and if I move one bit, it'll come off. "Toshi you can go back to sleep just let me go, please," I barter with him. Instead, he pulls me closer to him and the towel is left astray at the other end of the bed. "Stop playing!" I look at him furiously and realize he is still peacefully asleep. His arm snakes around my back and he pulls me into an embrace. "Don't leave me," he begs sadly. I shake him harshly. "Toshi," I call frightened. He still stays asleep. His grip becomes tighter. "I want mommy," he pleads. I shake him even harder. "Toshi!" I scream this time. My head is tucked into his chest in an instant. His tears flow into my hair and his sobs fill my ears. I rub his back. "Shhh. It's okay, baby." His breath hitches and he pulls me away from his chest to look into my eyes. "Kaminar?" I kiss his forehead. "Yes, baby, it's me." He starts crying again. I wipe the tears off his face. "I'm here for you, baby. I love you," I tell him. He lets go of me and wipes his face, turning away. "Get some clothes on." I laugh a little at his sudden change of mood and he chuckles with me. I slip on some underwear, a pair of white jeans, and a yellow button-up shirt along with a purple leather jacket I stole from Toshi. I jump on the bed, kissing Toshi's cheek. "All done." He turns around and kisses me on the lips briefly before pulling away. "All done," he mocks getting out of bed. I punch his arm, playfully. He releases a fake groan before joining me in laughter as he continues his walk to the bathroom. 

He comes out of the bathroom looking really hot. He's wearing a pair of black ripped jeans, a pair of black high-top converse, a white cropped t-shirt, and a black cardigan but the best part about his appearance is not his outfit but instead his hair. Instead of the wild lilac mess, it usually is, he has combed his hair and used a bit of gell to make it flow downwards instead of the normal anti-gravity direction and not a single hair is out of place. "Wow," Is all I can say. He grows fidgety at my lack of words. "Is it bad? I can do something else if you'd like? This is the last time I'm taking Eri's advice da-" He's cut off by my lips crashing into his. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. When we pull away, he's smiling shyly. "So you like it?" I've never in my life seen him looking so vulnerable and it amazes me that I'm the cause of this vulnerability. "Yes," I tell him eagerly. "Give Eri my thanks." He facepalms. "I'm the one who did it you know?" I laugh. "You were so quick to blame the child if it turned out wrong and so quick to accept credit if it turned out right." He nudges my shoulder slightly. "That's what having a sibling is for." I give him a fake smile, hoping he doesn't catch the sadness it hides, or if he does he doesn't acknowledge it. He comes towards me and kisses my ear as he whispers, "Something wrong? How can I help?" I fall backward onto the bed and pull him with me. "Love me like you do." He pins my wrists above my head and kisses my lips. " Yes sir."

(A/N   Yes I know you thought this was going to be the date chapter. I did too but we're here now and we're each figuring out we were wrong. I think the next chapter will be the date unless you want me to elaborate on this scene.  If you do, comment or message me or find some way to tell me because I can't really read minds. I hope you enjoyed. I apologize for the lack of updates recently. I've been super busy with work and today's the first free day I've had in like 3 weeks. Love you all! Thank you for reading, Loves. I hope to see you in the next chapter.          ~ Emerald)

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