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"I knew you wouldn't let me do this if you were conscious, especially not if you knew what I am doing." I kiss his forehead as I cover him up. I'll wait until I'm far away from Japan to message him. I search my pockets for my car key, only to come up empty-handed. So, I come up with a new plan; borrow Toshi's car. Hopefully, he won't mind. I slip my hand into his m from his pocket, he stirs. I pet his hair. "Shhh, baby. Sleep time now." He stills, expression soft. "I love you. Be back soon." I leave the room, not looking back at the purple-haired male. I walk down the crowded hallways, head down so no one will recognize me. Luckily, everyone seems to involved in their conversations to care about the blonde rushing towards the door. Once I get out, I walk to Toshi's car, only to see Hogeike perched on top of the hood. "I think it's time we talk," she tells me. I shake my head. "I don't really have time. Babe asked me to go get Eri from softball." I unlock the door but as I open the door she grabs my shirt. "Not so fast, Hun. I said it's time we talk." I close the door and put the keys in my pocket.

"What is it you need, Hogeike?" She places her hand on my chest. "You know my name? What a surprise. You've never said hi to me in the halls, never tried talking to me." If she didn't know how pretty she was, she might be really attractive. Fortunately, that's not the case. "You never said hi to me, never tried talking to me. I'm antisocial. What's your excuse?"She snickers in a way that can only be described as sinister. "I was shy. You know how it is when you have a crush on someone and just want to stay away." Actually, I did.  I knew very much of the feeling because it's how I felt about Toshi. "You don't have a crush on me, Hogeike. You're in love with Hitoshi Shinso, just like me, but I'm sorry to tell you we can't share." She places a hand on my shoulder. "No dear. It's you I want," she whispers, hot breath sending chills down my spine. I try my best to keep my confidence and not let it falter. "Sorry. I'm already taken. Maybe next time." I wink at her, trying to keep up the flirtatious mood she put into the air.  She takes her eyes off mine and looks down... to my lips."Look not that I'm not honored-" she cuts me off by kissing me. It's nothing like what I feel when Toshi and I kiss though. There's no burning fire igniting. That's not to say that it wasn't a good kiss (not that I had much to compare it to) but it wasn't great. I kiss her back, eager to find out the female's intentions before remembering that Toshi would be awake any second. I push her off of me. "See? Wasn't that fun?" She asks.

"I'm not interested," I state harshly. "Too bad. Your Toshi's going to think you are." I turn around to see what she's talking about and sure enough the purple-haired male is standing there. "Toshi, I can explain."

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