Stop! Wait a Minute!

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           We soon arrived at the airport and I couldn't help but notice a laughing Toshi approaching me. I fold my arms and frown. "What's so funny?" He continues laughing for a few seconds before he grabs a napkin out of his glove department. "Why do you have a napkin?" I ask him, dumbfounded. "Come here," he tells me, ignoring my question. Then he slides the napkin across my face. "You had a little something," he whispers. I smile brightly. "Thanks, Toshi!" He throws his arm over my shoulder, throwing the napkin away, meanwhile. We make our way to the ticket purchase counter. "Two tickets for Los Angeles, America," I tell her. Toshi looks at me like I'm insane as I give the lady my card. She looks at me weirdly. "You're Agent Katerina's kid aren't you?" I nod my head. "Yes ma'am." She hands me back my card. "She saved my father from a fire because the heroes were too scared to go in. Here are your tickets for Flight 73. The plane leaves in fifteen minutes." I don't have time to fight with the woman about paying because she just told me we have fifteen minutes to arrive. "Thank you," I tell her before I dash to the line for boarding Flight 73. Toshi's right beside me, holding my hand all the way. Once we get in line I feel his hot breath in my ear. "Los Angeles huh?" I nod my head, scared to talk. "As long as I'm with you, Love." He kisses my cheek and I giggle. I lean back to look at him. "What's with the love anyway?" I ask, profoundly curious. "Because I love," he pokes my nose, continuing, "You." He kisses my lips and the world around us blurs.
He pulls away and pulls me forward.

We enter the plane and take our seats at the front of the plane and I notice Toshi gripping my hand a little tightly. I look over to see his face has paled. I tilt my head to the side, and he notices this, explaining that he has never been on a plane before but has an irrational fear of death by a plane. I soothe him, patting his purple tufts of hair down while promising everything's going to be alright. He soon calms and is fine once we are in the air.

          "Wake up, Sleepyhead! It's officially Christmas Eve!" I wake the purple-haired male up. He sits up on the bed. After the long flight, we came to a hotel room I have reserved prior and decided to start the search for my mom tomorrow. I take out my phone, calling my mom one more time before beginning my search. I walk out of the room while it rings. "Hey Honey!" She answers. "Mom! I was so worried about you! I'm so glad you're alright! I'm in LA now with a friend of mine because we came to check on you! Tell me where you are and we can meet up. Okay?"

"I'm at the Hilton Inn on Broadway Boulevard and tell me more about this friend is he a future contender?"

"Mom!" I scold her. "I thought you weren't okay with that kind of stuff?" I ask. "Of course I'll always be okay with you! You're my son! I know we've been through some rough patches in the past but if this trip has taught me anything it's that you are old enough to make your own decisions! When I got the call that you were in the hospital, I was so worried. I had Ricardo fly me right away but then I saw you were fine and your friends were there for you, so I left you to be with those who have been there for you more than I can, Hun." I start to cry. "I thought you died," I tell her. Shinso comes from behind me, leaning his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Babe?" He asks me, concerned at the tears on my face. I hold up a finger to him, signaling him to give me a minute and he understands. "Who was that?" I hear. I wipe my cheeks. "My boyfriend. Give me twenty minutes and we'll be there. Okay?" She tries to pry me for more information on Toshi but I shut her down with a simple, "Bye, Mom." 

I tell Hitoshi everything as soon as I get off the phone and he's very understanding. Despite his efforts, I do manage to convince him that I don't need a decade with my mom and we'll still be leaving this afternoon so we can go back home to have dinner with his parents on Christmas. I tell him we'll have Ricardo fly us, my mom's personal pilot. Then he asks me a question that somehow manages to make me use my brain and think for half a second. "Would you like to invite your mom to dinner?" At first, I shut it down, telling him she's probably still working on her case but then he convinces me that I am the most important thing in the world and she would gladly drop her case for me. But would she? I know it's something most kids could ask of their parents and it would not be a problem but asking my mom to spend time with me seems selfish.

The day goes well, to say the least. My mother seems very impressed and charmed by Toshi and Toshi seems to be really fond of the woman who raised me. Being Hitoshi knew I was too scared, he ended up asking the question. "Would you like to join me and your son for dinner at my parents tomorrow? I'm sure my dads would love to have you." I slap his arm. "She probably has a case," I tell him. She looks at me and him both, fondly. "I would love to but are you sure I wouldn't be intruding?" She asks. "Of course not! My little sister, Eri, manages to invite at least twelve people I've never met before each year." We all laugh at Eri's generosity. "In that case, yes. When are we leaving out?" Each looks to me for an answer. "I asked Ricardo to be prepared at six."  My mother nods her head. "Perfect." I'm genuinely happy.

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