Chapter 5

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Mia's POV:

"But how is that fair? Mia meets one guy in a bookstore, and he's famous? Like famous famous?"

"Look him up. Harry Styles. That's S, T, Y-"

"We are not looking him up," I interrupt their bickering.

I'm currently at a sleepover in Megan's apartment with Megan, Grayce, and Audrey, and it's Friday night.

It's been 3 days since I've seen Harry, and I can't wait to see him again.

We were gonna go out, but we decided not to because of paparazzi. Megs, a model, has the tendency to have the paps constantly follow her. So we thought we'd stay inside tonight and watch some movies instead. But somehow, the conversation about food categories got turned into "Mia's new man."

And they won't shut up about it.

"Why not? I did all of my research on him," Audrey says, "and then I told Grayce who he was, and she did all of her research."

"That doesn't make it okay. He has no clue who I am, and I wouldn't want him to look me up," I don't like judging people from what headlines say about them.

Sure, I'm curious, but I don't want to learn who he is through other people's words. I want to be able to form my own opinion about him.

And so far, I really like him.

I glance over at Megan who has her phone in her hand, looking very intently at the screen.

"I think I met him at a party once," she says while squinting at a photo of him, "He was nice, though."

"Guys, I feel really bad. We shouldn't be looking him up," I try to reason with them.

"Who said you had to look him up?" Gray says.

"No one I just-"

"Therefore," she interrupts, "We are just your friends trying to look out for you."

Dree begins to speak, "Exactly, we wanna make sure he's worth it."

"I can determine that for myself, but thank you for trying," I say.

"Well, if you ever want a second opinion, or advice," Megan says, still reading something off of her phone, "Just know that he wants to name his daughter Darcy."

"Damnit Megs," I throw a pillow at her while they all laugh, "You guys are such losers."

"Okay fine, we'll change the subject, how about the fact that people think Daisy Dukes are still relevant."

"Hey they are still relevant-"

"No they are not-"

"But they're in a Katy Perry song, so that makes them relevant-"

The girls' conversation about the revelation of Daisy Dukes is drowned out by my thoughts. Harry and I have been texting, and I really want to show him around my work. So I think I'm going to meet him at a restaurant tomorrow and take it from there.

After Tuesday's whole "I wish he would just knock on the door and kiss me" situation, I think I've come to the terms that I just had something on my face, and he got really close while trying to stare at it.

Even though that may not be true, I'm gonna go with it because I can't deal with the fact that he might've wanted to kiss me and I literally backed away from him.

I wonder if he thinks I backed away from him on purpose.

I mean, I wanted to kiss him, and originally I thought that he didn't like me in that way, but then he stood behind the apartment door for like, 5 minutes.

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