All together

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Lily stood in the middle of the Great Hall. Fighting students, teachers, Death Eaters, and snatchers surrounded her.

Barty Crouch Jr. faced her, wand raised. His eyes and grin held sparks of insanity. "You won't win this."

"We aren't trying to win. We're buying time," Lily said.

"Time for what? You've been waiting for Severus Snape for almost a year. He won't come—no one will. It's better for you to give up now."

Lily showed not even the tiniest shred of fear. "He'll come. And may God have mercy on anyone who stands in his way."

Crouch hissed at Lily's confident words. "Bow for my lord!"

"Even if Severus didn't come, I would never give in or bow to Voldemort. I'd rather die!"

Rage filled Crouch's face, and he swung his wand at Lily. "Avada Kedavra!"

She dodged and shot back. "Expelliarmus!"

The spell hit Crouch in the stomach and flung him backward. He landed on the ground and rolled to send a spell flying back at Lily. "Impedimenta!"

Lily deflected it upward.

The two exchanged spell after spell—deflecting, dodging.

Then their spells rammed each other, and their wands locked.

"He will never come for you!" Crouch bellowed.

"That doesn't even matter," Lily hissed. "I'll still fight! I'll fight Voldemort, and I'll fight you—to my last breath!" She pulled her wand back. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Crouch raised his shield, but even that wasn't enough. Lily's spell pounded into Crouch's shield, shattered it, and hit his chest. Crouch froze like a statue, eyes wide in terror the moment before he hit the ground with a thud.

"Severus isn't the only one who can fight. Idiot." She smirked.

Around the Great Hall, Death Eaters retreated.

What's going on?

"Ah, Ms. Evans. Here I rushed to help you, but it doesn't seem you needed it." The crisp, mature voice of Augustus Prince made Lily turn.

His hair was white as snow, eyes deep black.

"Mr. Prince?!" said Lily as more adults entered the fray. "Where did these people come from?"

"Professor McGonagall has her own ways to transport people into the castle," said Augustus. "We've been standing ready for months. Dumbledore's allies—and Severus', of course."

Adults joined students to herd the Death Eaters back.

"We're pushing them out of the castle," Augustus said. "But we'll likely only be able to keep them out until Voldemort arrives. He'll force his way back in."

"That's all right," Lily said. "We're just buying time. Severus is headed our way—fast!"

"Yes, indeed." Augustus nodded. "He wouldn't sit idly by during a battle." He gave her a stern look. "Ready for the last push to get them out of the castle?"

Lily grinned and raised her wand. "You bet!"

With the adults' help, the students shoved back the Death Eaters—who realized they were outnumbered and fled as the students cheered.

Though they knew their victory was temporary—that the Death Eaters were regrouping, waiting for their leader before they tried again—everyone's spirits lifted.

Severus was coming; Lily felt it in her bones.

In the entrance hall, the students celebrated.

Lucy recognized one newcomer from Augustus' group. "Mum? Mum!" She ran to Emma O'Hara.

"Lucy!" Her mother rushed to meet her.

"Mum, what're ye doin' here?"

"What do you think I came for?" her mother said. "To fight! These miscreants killed the love of my life, and they're threatening my only child. You think I was going to sit back and do nothing?"

"Wow... Who are all these people?" Lucy surveyed the hall.

"I know some of them." Emma O'Hara pointed to each one she named. "Lyall Lupin, Lola Zeppelin, Arthur Weasley, Andromeda Tonks, Andrea Clearwater. I think what's important is we're here to fight."

Lucy nodded. "Mum... I've got so much ta tell ye. I..."

"I know. And I can't wait to hear all about it. For now, we have to win this battle."

"Aye," Lucy said. "For all of us."

Lily stood on the entryway stairs surveying the group of students, teachers, and newcomers. Many hugged, and everyone took the opportunity to find their bearings.

They had done it—pushed the Death Eaters out of the castle.

"Lily." James ran up behind her. "You all right?"

Lily nodded. "Good. You?"

"Same. Sirius is down for the count—broken foot—but otherwise, he's okay."

"Thank Merlin," Lily said. "He really scared me, running into those werewolves. And Remus?"

Regulus climbed the stairs and stood with Lily and James. "He's fine. He didn't bite anyone. But the fake moon made him sick, so he's out too."

"I'm just glad he's safe and didn't bite anyone. He would never forgive himself if he had," said Lily.

"Even if we lose this, I want to fight to my last breath," Regulus said.

"Me too," said Lily. "We're making our stand here. We won't back down."

"Exactly," added James.

Severus didn't slow or stop for a moment.

The battle raged ahead.

And I was dumb enough to be so far away! He hissed under his breath. I have to make it!

The trees thinned, and he burst into the open. Above, a castle stretched toward the sky.

Severus' heart stopped. Hogwarts. Right there. And... "LILY!" She's right there—so close.

Nothing could stop him now.

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