Cold November

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November first, frost settled around Hogwarts. Trees shed most of their leaves, and no one wanted to go outside as the weather turned harsh. Students enjoyed their Halloween feast and Saturday's Quidditch match—the perfect way to follow up such a delightful holiday as Halloween—Slytherin versus Gryffindor, the most intense, interesting match at Hogwarts.

Anticipation raced through Regulus as he met his team, broom propped on one shoulder. Standing there in his green Quidditch uniform almost made him forget.

"Listen up!" Diane Diggory clapped for her teams' attention. She smiled as she counted everyone and found the whole team present. "We know this team, and we can beat them! Their defense and powerful attacks are their strengths. Trying to force our way through won't work. We've got to be slippery—maneuver around them, just like we practiced. I won't lose to that twerp Potter! He'll rub it in my face the rest of the year, no matter who wins the tournament. I want to be able to rub it in his face." She turned to Regulus. "Did you check out their new seeker?"

"He's inexperienced," said Regulus, "but he's only a second year, and it's hard to be worse than Anker from last year."

Diane grinned. "She was lousy. Let's hope this one's no better, though he could be twice as good as me and I could still count on you, right?"

"Right," Reg said.

"They don't call you the star seeker for nothing. Let's get out there and beat the crap out of those lions!" Diane brandished her broom like a sword, looking more like a general leading her troops to battle than a Quidditch captain.

Ian Baker, a Hufflepuff serving as commentator, announced, "And the teams have arrived! Let's hope that swell Halloween party didn't slow them down. Diggory seems a ball of energy. Potter too. Looks like a few sparks flying between those two!"

Diane met James on the field. "Don't think just because I accept you around school means I'll go easy on you."

"The feeling's mutual," James said. "No way am I losing to you!"

"In your dreams, Potter!" Diane flashed a fight-ready grin. "Don't get too full of yourself, or you might not need a broom to fly away on."

"You're one to talk! Just you wait, Blondie!" James threw Diane's aggressive stance back at her.

Madame Hooch, the official, stepped between them. "Will the two captains shake hands."

Diane extended a hand. "Let's make this a match no one will soon forget."

James took it firmly. "Sure thing. I'll be disappointed if this isn't the match of the century! No holding back, missy."

"You either, mister."

Reg winced at the exchange as Diane's and James' handshake produced cracks from both participants' hands. When they let go, and each thought the other wasn't watching, they hissed and waved some of the pain from their aching hands.

The opposing seeker drew Reg's attention. Well, he's got the build for this. But that's probably because he's only twelve. He's so tiny! The Gryffindor seeker's auburn-brown hair whisked over his forehead, his face pale and terrified. Unless he's got a hidden talent, that kid doesn't have a chance.

Just last year, the coach of the English team suggested he might have a proposition for Reg when he finished seventh year. At the time, his family never would have allowed it. Now, they couldn't care less.

Enjoy this moment, kid. He smirked at the trembling boy. You're playing against a future Quidditch star!

The game began. Everyone took off the same instant. Reg rose above them all—including the other seeker—to get a clear view of the Quidditch pitch.

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