Fake moon

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An explosion shook the ground and marked the enemy's first breach.

Lily stood ready, wand in hand, as the first wave of Dementors stormed in. Lily's raven Patronus, and many other Patronuses forced back the screaming creatures.

Then came the Death Eaters. They forced through the small gap the Dementors created, but it wasn't enough. They would have to break more of Hogwarts' shielding to swarm in.

Massive trolls from the Forbidden Forest lumbered to the shields and hammered them with bare fists, making the ground tremble.

All waited, wands in the air.

The barrier shattered.

Death Eaters, snatchers, werewolves, and trolls roared as they flooded in, and Lily roared back as she rushed forward with the others and met the enemy.

Students and teachers flew overhead, throwing vials and stunners. Those on the ground guided Death Eaters into traps.

The Whomping Willow grabbed five Death Eaters who came too close and smacked them into the ground.

Devil snares sprouted and snagged werewolves by their legs.

High above the battle, Lucy and Remus flew on an Anthrax.

Remus wrapped one arm around Lucy's waist and rained stunners with his wand.

He yelped as the horse dodged a spell from below.

"Ye all right?" said Lucy.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"Ye're doin' better than Regulus." Lucy chuckled. "He hated flyin' on a horse."

"That's funny. He's so good at flying on a broom."

"That's what I thought too! Hold on. We're makin' a dive!" She kicked the horse. It swooped down and rammed a group of Death Eaters before soaring upward and circling one of the trolls.

Remus leaned into Lucy. Though he didn't like flying, Lucy seemed to love it. The horse was strong, intelligent, and understood Lucy's commands perfectly. This didn't scare it.

Lucy smelled of hay. Has she been to the owlery?

Ahead, a bright ball formed in the sky. Below, a group of people pointed their wands upward, forming the ball.

Sharp pain stabbed his head, and Remus grabbed Lucy. "Land... LAND NOW!"

Lucy reined right and landed them on a tower. The moment the Anthrax's hooves touched down, Remus fell from the horse and curled into a ball of agony.

"Remus!" Lucy leapt from the horse and rushed to him.

"Get... away... from... me..." he hissed.

Lucy stood dumbfounded.

"You have to go!" Remus cried as his eyes glowed yellow, and his face contorted. "Fly away! GO!"

On the ground, werewolves fell to the trampled grass, snarling and writhing.

The Anthrax neighed in distress at the predators' scent, spread its wings and reared.

"Whoa! Easy, girl!" Lucy raised both hands to calm the horse. "St-stop!"

But the horse spooked and thrashed its hooves at Lucy until she fell backward and hit the floor with a hard "Umph!"

Remus curled up again and hissed, holding his head. He growled, snarled. His bones snapped and lengthened. Tears streamed from his eyes as he convulsed.

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