Playing to our strenghts

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The Christmas holiday ended, and everyone who intended to return to Hogwarts did. Among the returnees were muggleborn children whose muggle parents didn't realize what was happening in the Wizarding World and so sent their children back into danger.

The Life Defenders and Marauders set to work hiding muggleborns in Hogwarts' secret passages, since it wasn't safe for them to be out in the open.

Of course, Spinner, Yaxley, and their fellow Death Eaters were displeased and cursed their inability to find any muggleborns. They wanted to accuse the Marauders, but without proof, they hesitated to act. James and Sirius supplied innocent looks every time the subject rose.

Remus played his odds and stayed out of hiding. Due to his Lycanthropy, the Death Eaters assumed he would eventually join them since Voldemort promised werewolves equality with wizards. Remus didn't believe that for a second, but as long as the Death Eaters assumed he did, Remus was safe.

Lily and Lucy remained in hiding to help the muggleborns navigate passages. In this, Peter was essential. Even though he couldn't revert to human form or speak, he could scout the halls and vents to ensure they wouldn't walk into danger.

Now, it was clear how instrumental Peter was in creating the Marauders map. Only he could have found so many secret passages so quickly and navigated them without the map's aid.

The Life Defenders still met to plan and train—after curfew, in hidden rooms, safe from Death Eater scrutiny.

It was at one of these meetings Lily stepped forward. "I've got something to say."

Everyone gave her their attention.

"What happened before the Christmas holiday—at the astronomy tower, where we got caught... I'm sorry. If it weren't for me—for the way I rush into things—we wouldn't be in so much trouble."

A younger student spoke. "It's okay, Lily."

James nodded. "Our lives are on the line. We all knew that then, and we know it now too."

"Yes, but now, more than ever, it's important we work as a team—one unit. It's the only way to keep people safe," Lily said. "And that's why... whatever James says, I'll follow."


"If we had followed your lead, we would've been fine," Lily said.

"Me? ME?!" James gaped. "Hold on, I'm not—I can't!"

"This is our best chance of no one getting hurt," Lily said. "We need to do what you say."

"She's right." Diane took James' hand. "When you lead the group, we avoid trouble. You have a gift, sweetie."


"Everyone voting for James, hands up!" Sirius raised his hand, and others followed—Lily, Remus, Lucy, Diane, then the rest.

"This isn't what I want," James said.

"I know," said Lily. "All great leaders are the ones who didn't seek it out. They drew people to themselves because of who they were. I'm sorry to put this burden on you, but you're our best shot. Besides, you've been acting as leader, anyway. It just wasn't official before now."

"Okay." He surveyed the room. "I'm no Penelope or Severus. We can't deny those two were the perfect team, but they're not here, so we have to work with what we've got. Our job now is to keep each other safe and hold down the fort. Hogwarts hasn't fallen yet, not really. It does not belong to Voldemort. It belongs to us, the students, and we won't let him forget it!"

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