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Between Severus and Hogwarts stretched a field. In it lay sprung traps and naked werewolves, groaning. Stupid enough to use the false moon again, I see.

Death Eaters, wearing dark robes, fixed their eyes on the castle, but faced Severus as he approached.

"Stay back!" One Death Eater raised his wand.

"It's a kid," said another—a woman. "A student didn't make it inside. Delightful." She grinned and raised her wand too.

Severus' appearance placed him at seventeen, and the Death Eaters mistook appearance for truth. "You're in my way."

The rest of the Death Eaters joined the first two in a ready stance.

"We can use him as a hostage," said the woman.

Severus sighed. "I don't have time for this." He shot forward so fast the Death Eaters gasped.

Red beams hit each Death Eater, but they only managed one blue beam toward Severus.

He easily dodged and found the beam's source just ahead. "Lucius Malfoy."

The young man—no more than nineteen—wore platinum blonde hair. "Who do you think you are?!"

"Lucius," Severus shook his head, "you should listen to me. This sort of battle—this life—it isn't for you. If you have a single brain cell in your head, you'll go home. Right now."

Lucius' eyes narrowed, but Severus walked past him.

"Hey!" Lucius shouted. "Come back here!"

"I don't have time for you."

A red beam shot toward the back of Severus' head.

He deflected it.

Lucius gaped, but Severus never broke stride. Malfoy's hands shook as he clutched his wand.

Still, Severus didn't look back.

Lucius backed away, head lowered. Severus couldn't even be bothered to attack him.

There was no more to be said.

Severus kept his pace steady as dark, ghostly creatures swarmed the castle walls. Some noticed him and approached.

Their every movement seemed to suck warmth from the air and ground.

Severus breathed white mist. He lifted his wand and barely whispered, "Expecto Patronum."

From the wand's tip sprang a silver doe, and every Dementor shrieked at its light. All of them hissed and retreated.

Above Severus was a window. He leapt into the air and flew upward, through the window. Inside, he landed on one knee. The brief pause gave him a moment to take one deep breath before he got up and slipped stray black hair behind his ear. He fixed his sleeves and took the left hall with an air of purpose.

Lily's heart beat faster, and she didn't bother to cover her gasp.

"You okay?" said James.

"He's here," she whispered as she turned toward the massive hall door.

The room fell silent as everyone followed her gaze.

Severus approached the magically sealed door.

Lily was on the other side. So close... No seal could stop him now.

He broke the golden seal with one wave of his wand, grabbed the heavy doors, and pushed with every ounce of strength he had.

The doors slammed open.

The young man standing between the wide doors breathed hard, and his long, black hair tangled around his pale face. But determination thundered in his eyes.

Lily covered another gasp, and tears welled in her eyes. "Sev..."

The weight of everyone's gaze fell on Severus, but one pair of green eyes drew him, and the rest of the crowd faded from his awareness.

There! She didn't look like a girl anymore—not like the last time they'd seen each other. Now, she looked older... like a woman. Her dark red hair fell past her shoulders, and her eyes—now misting—were as bright as they'd ever been.

Severus' heart stopped. Only a moment ago, determination had filled him. Now insecurity replaced purpose.

His body shook.

He'd fought dragons, trolls, Death Eaters, Dementors to get here... But what now?

Lily came to him, and despite the tremors, he stood straight.

She looked up at him, reached for him, her own hand trembling, and touched his cheek.

That one touch jolted through him like lightning and drove the breath from his lungs.

"Sev..." Lily breathed, "you came."

"Of course, I did," he sputtered. "Everyone who matters to me is here. They need my help. And I—I won't let Voldemort lay a hand on you again—not today. Not ever!" He covered her hand. "I'm sorry. I should never have pushed you away. It's when I do that things turn badly. I... wanted to shield you—from the horrors of war—from... me... But you don't need shielding. You're a strong woman who can choose for herself. I'm just so afraid something will happen to you. I can't bear the thought."

Lily smirked. "The great Severus Snape? Afraid?"

"Terrified. But that's no reason to run. I'm no coward."

Lily laid both hands on Severus' shoulders and smiled. "I know." She stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his.

Cheers and shouts erupted through the room.

The kiss broke as Severus remembered they had an audience. His attention had been so focused on Lily, he'd forgotten the crowd.

"About time!" James laughed. "Seriously, dude! What took you so long?"

"Finally coming to your senses," Regulus said, arms crossed, corner of his mouth quirked upward.

Augustus shook his head. "That boy's bad for my heart."

Red seeped into Severus' cheeks as Lily took his hand. She beamed as she stood beside him and cleared her throat for silence.

"The battle isn't over yet," Severus said as the crowd quieted. "But today is vital. This battle could end the war! Voldemort is coming. When he arrives, our strategy should be simple. I will face him in a wizard's duel. We will openly challenge him. He won't be able to turn down the challenge. He has to prove to his followers he's the strongest wizard in the world. I'm sorry for the wait." His grip on Lily's hand tightened. "But I'm here to fight with you now. I swear it! Let me face Voldemort and do not interfere. I can defeat him. I promise you."

Stunned silence fell, then a chant rose.

"Severus... Severus... Severus... Severus...."

Severus kept hold of Lily's hand. It was so small and delicate compared to his.

"You see?" Lily whispered. "You're not alone, and you never were."

Severus nodded. "Yes... And that's why I can win. He's alone. I'm not."

"Absolutely," Lily said.

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