Before the battle

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Students and teachers organized with astounding speed.

Professor McGonagall accepted the students' desire to fight, but she demanded all first to third years remain in their common rooms.

Everyone under seventeen had to accompany someone of age—whether that was a student or teacher didn't matter.

Communication and teamwork were key.

James and his friends knew Hogwarts' layout better than anyone and helped set traps or direct those setting them.

Professor Sprout—alongside her star pupils—planted devil snares.

Professor Kettleburn and Hagrid prepared creatures to be released on command: manticores, firecrabs, pixies, nifflers, and grindylows.

Lucy and Remus joined the magical animal brigade.

Professor Slughorn prepared bottles of exploding potion to be hurled from above by broom riding Quidditch players and create clouds of stinging gas.

James, Diane, and Regulus grabbed their brooms to join the fight from the air.

On the ground, Lily stood ready with her group, and Sirius wasn't far from her with his.

"As long as we work as a team, it's going to be fine," Lily assured.

Sirius held up his wand. "Nothing like a little war to bring things together, huh?"

The rat sitting atop Sirius' head squeaked.

Sirius grinned.

Lucy sat in front of a cage. Inside was a niffler. The mole-like creature looked up at her with wet, black eyes.

"You okay?" said Remus.

"Will he be all right?" Lucy pointed at the niffler. "What if they send stunners at him? Poor guy."

Remus laid a hand on her shoulder. "Nifflers are incredibly resilient and quick. They're impossible to catch, let alone hit with a stunner. And, even if he is hit, he's magic-repellent. Don't worry. He'll be fine."

A gentle half-giant approached. A messy beard covered his face. "Remus! Lucy!" Hagrid grinned. "Is everything all right?"

"Hi, Hagrid," said Lucy as she stood. "Aye. We're fine."

"Good. Professor Kettleburn asked me to find ye. Said he knew no one better to handle the anthraxes."

"Anthraxes?" Lucy's face brightened. "I get ta saddle one a the anthraxes?!"

"That's a very large, winged horse, isn't it?" Remus said. "Are you sure you can control—"

Lucy grabbed his hand and dragged Remus with her as she squealed in delight.

James zoomed over Hogwarts on his broom, memorizing everyone's positions.

Close by flew Regulus Black, a distant look in his eyes.

James flew in front of him and stopped. "You all right?"

"I couldn't help but think... I wish Penelope could have seen this. It's what she believed in—what she wanted—people putting differences aside and working together. She was right," said Regulus.

"She was a very special girl, Regulus. She planted and nurtured the seeds that led to this. If she hadn't done that so well, I'm not sure we'd be able to work together," James said. "In a way, it means she's right here. She's not gone. Not really. It's because of her we can speak like this."

"I have a sister now, thanks to her." Regulus smiled down at Lucy as she introduced a large purple horse to her werewolf boyfriend.

James raised a brow. "You already have a brother."

Regulus snorted. "Sirius can put a sock in it! I'm celebrating Christmas with Lucy this year—at her farm. We already decided!"

"That sounds really nice."

"I'm not losing anyone else," Regulus said. "No one's going to die. Got it?"

James nodded. "Got it."

"Good." Regulus flew off to have another look around the field.

Truth was, they were trying to hold out until Severus came to save them. Well, Severus, Lily sure believes you can pull this off, so get over here already!

Severus sneered.

All entrances to Hogwarts were closed off. Hogsmeade was down and filled with Death Eaters.

That left one option. He had to take the Forbidden Forrest. In it lived massive trolls, centaurs, Acromantulas, poisonous lizards, and vicious goblins.

Didn't matter.

Severus went straight through.

As a troll towered over him, he pulled his wand. "You're in my way!" He swept the troll aside and kept running.

One thing was certain, to be in Severus Snape's way was the last thing anyone wanted—whether they be a ten-foot troll or fire-breathing dragon.

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