Break down

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Lily lay in bed, awake. Regulus and Lucy disappeared off to who-knows-where! And, of course, I have to break the news to the rest of the Life Defenders now that attendance has doubled since the start of the year.

She took deep, calming breaths. Reg must've gotten a lead on how to fight Voldemort. But why didn't he tell me?! Her teeth would have screeched if she hadn't stopped grinding them. I had a right to know what was going on! Merlin! I told him about the Horcruxes. The least he could do was return the favor.

Worry propped her eyes open and even in the quiet dorm, she couldn't relax. I'm still Regulus' and Lucy's senior. Why would they pull such a stunt? Guilt surfaced over leaving them out of their attempt to rescue Evelyn. But it was good they weren't at that ghastly werewolf run in. She shivered and didn't dare consider what might have happened if they had come.

"Regulus is gone?" Diane moped from the front row of the Life Defenders' meeting. "I've wondered where he got off to the past couple days, but I thought he called home or something!"

"No..." Lily said. "It's complicated, but he's gone of his own free will."

Diane shoved aside four other students to get to James. "And you didn't tell me? You're horrid!"

"Sorry." James held up both hands to fend off a swat from Diane. "Stuff happened. I've had a lot to think about."

"You thinking—that's different," Diane snarked. "My classmate and teammate have gone off to who-knows-where, and you didn't think it was important enough to tell me? You—you—"

James started to reply—to defend himself.

Remus stopped him. "Don't do something you'll regret, Prongs."

James bit his tongue and swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, Diane... I should have told you first thing."

Diane shook her head, mollified. "You're impossible."

Sabrina, a Ravenclaw, stuttered in shock. "She's gone...? She... went away... But she just ran away, right? She didn't... go out into battle, did she? She's not the warrior type."

"You're her dormmate, right?" said Lily.

Sabrina wetted dry lips. "Yeah."

"Did you hear anything? Something that might be a clue?"

"I... It's her own fault!" Sabrina's tone turned angry. "I had nothing to do with it! That—that weirdo!"

The group gasped.

"Take that back," Sirius growled.

"No! I didn't know anything—the little freak!"

Remus stepped in. "Do yourself a favor, Sabrina. Take it back or leave." Lily could almost feel his displeasure with the girl, and he wasn't the only one upset.

"But it's true!" Sabrina said. "I could never figure her out. She was such a freak! Always messing about. Have you seen the disaster she leaves in the bathroom? It's horrible, and I never understand a word she says. She's just so—so—Argh! She'd just like all of you! This club is stupid! You're all stupid!"

Anger boiled in Lily. "If you think that, just leave! Nobody asked you to come!"

"Fine, I will!" Sabrina's voice was so loud a few of the students near her covered their ears. "And if anyone has any sense, they'll leave with me! This club is made of stupid!" She marched to the door and slammed it shut after her.

"Merlin..." Lily covered her face. "This isn't going well..."

Matthew Flint spoke up. "She... has a point. This club is dead."

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