Take it back

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Strategizing with the Life Defenders reminded James of leading his Quidditch team, and Diane's help to coordinate their plans had proven invaluable. Everyone seemed to be working together.

Lucy informed James he shouldn't put her in a position where she might confront Yaxley. "Last time, I lost it. Everythin' ended up a disaster. If I see him, I might not be able ta control meself, so... please, put me somewhere I can be of good use, and not make a mess a things."

"Thanks for telling me," James said. "And don't worry. There'll be a role for everyone."

Lucy wasn't James' only surprise. Peter came to him too. In both paws, he gripped a pencil and scrawled in clumsy letters, "Let me help."

"Are you sure?" said James. "Pete... you don't have to."

Peter sat up and looked at James with such determination he seemed to shake.

"Okay. Thank you." James extended a hand, and Peter crawled into it. James held Peter so he could look the rat in the eye. "I'm going to count on you. Your role it vital."

Peter seemed surprised.

"You regret what you did," James said. "And when it really mattered, you came through for us. You're not a bad person, and I refuse to believe you are. You're my friend! I could always count on you before. Why not now? You can do it, Pete. I know you can."

Peter squeaked happily and nodded.

With a chuckled, James set Peter on his shoulder. "Well then, Racles, time for work!"

Lily checked the Marauders Map again, noting every room. Looks like it's just Yaxley and Spinner. No other Death Eaters. Good. We can go ahead as planned.

They had thirty minutes until lunch ended and afternoon classes began—a period of time Spinner and Yaxley wouldn't suspect to be used for a setup.

Yaxley approached.

Other dots with familiar names attached floated across the map to key locations. Everyone was in position. Good. She wiped the image from the map and shoved it in a pocket before stepping into the hall. Yaxley would have a good view of her as soon as he rounded the corner.

When Yaxley came into view, Lily faced him long enough for the Death Eater to recognize her.

"Evans?" Yaxley stopped.

Instead of employing her horrid acting skills, she turned and ran.

"Evans!" Yaxley bellowed as he chased her. "Come back here!"

Lily turned a corner and shoved through a group of students.

"Stop her! Lily Evans! I demand you stop!" Yaxley sprinted through the narrow halls. Then Lily disappeared.

Yaxley turned a full circle, wand raised. "I know you're here, Evans," he hissed. "The Dark Lord would like a word with you. It won't hurt. He's just going to ask a few questions."

A red Expelliarmus shot toward Yaxley. He whirled in time to deflect. Barely.

"Trying to protect your friend?" said Yaxley. A second spell, then a third came from different directions, sending the Death Eater into a spin and only giving him time to deflect. He cursed. "Where are you brats?"

He ran to a storage room, unaware of the students who waited behind suits of armor and under tables. Inside, he cursed again. "Bratty kids!"

A musty odor filled the old room, and at its center sat a small cauldron, bubbling with purple liquid. Above the cauldron, on a low rafter, perched a rat, holding a dragon's tooth in his paws.

Yaxley backpedaled.

Slubberworm slave wasn't usually dangerous but dropping in a dragon's tooth during this crucial stage...

Yaxley pulled out his wand. "Don't you dare, stupid rat!"

But the rat grinned as it dropped the tooth and scurried into a hole in the wall.

Yaxley had no time to react. The explosion sent him flying.

Spinner could have sworn he'd just run into Lucy O'Hara—the girl who'd been with Regulus Black when the traitor exposed the Dark Lord. She'd vanished with Black and Snape! If she was here, he had to catch her. It had to be O'Hara. Who else had such hair? And how had she gotten back to Hogwarts?!

Why was she so quick? Spinner rushed outside. Where was she? A glimpse of orange amidst white and gray snow should be easy to spot.

There she was, peering at him over a bush. "I've got you now!" He pointed his wand at her. "Where's Regulus Black?"

O'Hara stood up and shouted, "NOW!"

From all sides, ropes coiled around Spinner, and students wielding wands burst from bushes and trees.

Lupin offered O'Hara a hand. "You all right?"

"All right? I'm great!" She beamed at Spinner—now gagged and bound. He tried to mutter curses, but the gap kept them in.

James and a group of Life Defenders filed into McGonagall's office, Yaxley, and Spinner in custody. They presented the Death Eaters to the Headmistress.

"Do you realize what you've done?" said McGonagall.

"Yes," said James. "These two threatened students' lives! They tortured Lily, and who knows how many others? They tried to kill us during a Quidditch match! As long as they walk free, Hogwarts students aren't safe!"

Everyone nodded and murmured agreement.

Lily addressed the professor. "They work for Voldemort. You can't let them stay here."

McGonagall looked at James, then Lily, then the rest—students from every house. With a smile, she grabbed a handful of floo powder from the fireplace and tossed it on the flames. "Ministry of Magic." To the students she said, "We can send them back to their master. The honor is yours."

James, Sirius, and several other boys hauled Yaxley and Spinner to the fireplace and tossed them in.

McGonagall flicked her wand over the hearth. "I've cut us off from the floo network. Next, I'll close all gates. If anyone needs to leave the castle, they must speak to me. I'm shutting down all normal means of exit and entry. Hogwarts is an impenetrable fortress. We'll raise the shields and make a stand!"

McGonagall marched out of the office.

Sirius stared after her. "She took that a lot better than I thought."

"Just wait. When this is over, she'll give us detention for life," James said. "Totally worth it though."

Everyone grinned and cheered.

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