Final Confrontation

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Severus sat on the entrance hall stairs, Lily next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder hand tucked in his—like it had been since he walked in.

Waiting... That was all that was left. They'd forced the Death Eaters back and shown them the students of Hogwarts were stronger than they appeared. If the Death Eaters tried to attack again, they would lose.

Now, it was only a question of when Voldemort would arrive.

James Potter, hair messy as ever, approached.

Though Severus frowned at his former rival and childhood tormentor, James seemed nonchalant.

"I did it," James said. "I protected Lily until you made it back. You're welcome, by the way. It was not easy."

Lily didn't hide her pout.

Why aren't James and Lily... In the original timeline, they were... dating by now.

James seemed to hear Severus' thoughts. "I never really had a say in Lily's choice."

But why choose this way? Severus looked to Lily for an answer.

Lily smiled, a teasing light in her green eyes.

"You... waited for me..." Severus breathed.


"You didn't know if I would come back."

"I thought it was worth the gamble." Lily braided her fingers into Severus'. "I felt like... as long as you were alive, everything would be all right. It was scary though. I worried about you."

"I'm sorry," Severus whispered.

"No. You did what you needed to do. I wish you'd gone about it differently, but... I'm glad you're okay."

"Whether we liked it or not, we're in this war together," said James. "And Severus, I'm really happy you're on our side."

Severus met James' glasses-framed hazel eyes. James was grinning?

"You know," James said, "I always had this idea in my head that I'd be the big hero. I'm the Gryffindor—the good guy!—so, it's okay to be nasty when the one you're nasty to is the bad guy." He shook his head. "Man, was I an idiot." He ruffled already-wild hair. "I'm lucky I don't need to be the hero. It's all yours, Sev." With a smirk, he rested hands on hips.

"Is this your attempt at an apology?" Severus said.

"I guess. Kind of—yes. I want to do the right thing—my bit to end this war—and I want my friends to be happy. And Lily is my friend too. Severus... last March, at the Lestrange mansion, you saved all our lives," said James, "and I know the things you did out there probably saved even more people. We're lucky you're with us, and... well..." He offered Severus an open hand.

Severus took it.

"Thank you," James said with stunning sincerity.

When James let go, Severus stared at his empty hand.

Lily giggled. "Your face. You look like your hand just turned into a cactus. Then again, two years ago, that would have seemed more likely than you and James shaking hands."

"What kind of world have I created?" said Severus. "Nothing makes sense."

"I kind of like this world," said Lily. "Aside from the war."

A shadow fell over Severus' face, and Lily turned serious too.

"He's here." Severus' whisper silenced everyone in the room. He stood, Lily with him, hands still clasped.

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