Making a stand

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Lily spread the newspaper over the breakfast table. "This is propaganda—all of it!" With a look of disgust, she swept it onto the floor.

"That's how things are now," James kept his voice low. "Voldemort took down the Ministry. He owns it—and the Wizarding World—which means he controls the Prophet and this school."

"This is turning serious fast," Sirius muttered.

"Then we'd better stay close to each other, whatever comes next," said Remus.

"You mean like that?" Peter pointed toward the teachers' table with a shaking finger.

A gruff-looking man with short, dark hair, and squinty eyes approached.

"Is that...?" Lily said.

"Looks like Yaxley," said Sirius. "That bloody, murderous—" He stifled the rest.

"What would Lucy say...?" Remus whispered to himself and turned pale as a sheet.

"You don't have to think about that," said James. "She isn't here. Focus on the problem at hand."

More students noticed Yaxley, and the rest of the Hall quieted.

"A moment's silence," Yaxley's voice rang through the Hall. "Over the last twenty-four hours, the Ministry of Magic has gone through a few... changes, and we feel it's about time to change things here at Hogwarts. We've graciously allowed Minerva McGonagall to remain Headmaster, as long as she can follow our new rules. However, we have a couple of staffing changes. I'll be taking Professor Dawlish' position as professor in the dark arts."

"Doesn't he mean Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Lily frowned.

"No. I'm pretty sure he means the dark arts," said Remus.

"From time to time, guest tutors have graciously offered to give special lessons... very special lessons." Yaxley almost grinned. "Professor Spinner, for instance, will shortly be back to assist me in my classes, but, please, go on with what you usually do. These changes are minor, I assure you. You'll hardly notice the difference." With that, Yaxley sat and ate.

Murmurs rippled through the students.

"He's lying," Lily hissed, "They're trying to keep us locked up, bend us to do what they want by using terror. That's why they haven't removed the Dementors! But I say don't let them have that satisfaction. We don't give in that easily! We'll make a stand!"

"We're with you," James said, and others nodded agreement. "But we need to be smart about this—do it without getting caught. That's what Severus would want, right Lily?"

Lily nodded. "It is what he'd want—to keep it smart." Her tone turned hesitant, as if she'd left something out.

It wasn't long before Lily's statement was put to the test. That afternoon, they had their first guest teacher, and Professor Spinner made his grand reappearance—though he was still thin, scrawny, and sharp-toothed.

"Mudblood," Spinner said, "a fitting word for muggles—the lowest form of life in our wonderful world. They stole their magic and have the audacity to call themselves witches and wizards—a much higher form of life than they can ever hope to be."

Lily's face reddened in anger, and her fingernails bit into her palms. The urge came to rage about the injustice of Spinner's words.

"No, Lily!" Remus held her down in her seat. "If you say anything, you'll just get in unnecessary trouble. All over again. I know that's what you do, but you can't afford it anymore! We can't have you getting hurt!"

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