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Lily held tight to her wand as the door bowed. Every blow from outside echoed in the halls as Death Eaters, and Merlin knew what else, tried to breech the door.

The locks bent, strained.

Another hard smack, and the door burst open.

Snatchers and Death Eaters swarmed inside to meet a rain of stunners from Hogwarts' students.

The frontmost Death Eaters screamed and fell back, but those in the back raised a golden shield and pushed ahead, forcing the students to retreat further into the school.

A dark-skinned man wearing an eyepatch stepped forward. "Little brats!" He waved his wand. "Confringo!"

An explosion hit the stairs and shook the castle.

The ceiling caved, and students screamed.

Lily leapt forward. "Wingardium Leviosa!" She caught the biggest chunk of ceiling in mid-air and sent it flying into the Death Eaters. Lilly turned to the students. "Get out of here!"

Everyone ran as the entrance hall collapsed around them.

Regulus ran to the window. Below, Death Eaters streamed through the school entrance.

They were out of time.

Regulus pulled off his school robe and climbed to the open trapdoor. "Lucy! Remus! I'm sorry, but the Death Eaters are coming, and they'll corner us if they find out we're here. We need to get moving. Here!" He flung his robe at Remus.

Lucy grabbed the robe and helped Remus into it.

Remus looked green and feverish, and cold sweat covered his skin.

Lucy took Remus' arm to help him stand, but he collapsed the instant she let go.

"I... I'm so sorry," Remus said.

"It's not yer fault," said Lucy as she and Regulus draped one of Remus' arms over their shoulders.

"Is it always this bad for you after full moon?" said Regulus.

"No..." Remus shook his head. "That fake moon is unnatural. It made it much worse."

"At least it means their werewolves are out of commission too," Regulus muttered as he helped Remus to the trapdoor. "I... hate to bring it up, but what do we do? We can't defend ourselves if we have to carry Remus around."

"I know a secret passageway. It's not far," Remus said. "Put me in there. They won't find me."

"Show us the way," Regulus said.

Peter zoomed between students' feet.

Death Eaters would trap them if they were pushed too much farther into the halls.

Not on his watch.

A Death Eater cornered two fourth years. She raised her wand and grinned.

The dark, curly hair... Bellatrix Lestrange!

When Death Eaters caught him in the mansion, after Penelope's death, this woman cheered and laughed. She had made fun of him.

Payback time.

While her wand was raised, Peter sank his teeth into her bare ankle.

Lestrange screamed and nearly dropped her wand.

But Peter wasn't done. Like a furry, brown bullet, Peter clawed up her leg and into her blouse while Lestrange danced in desperation.

"Get away from me! Get it away!" Lestrange cried as Peter emerged through her neckline, zipped up her face, bit her ear, and didn't let go.

With Lestrange's guard down, the students acted. "Stupefy!"

The spell slammed Lestrange into the wall.

"Incarcerous!" Thick ropes sprang from one student's wand and wrapped around Bellatrix, even covering her mouth.

Lestrange lay on the ground wrapped in ropes. She wriggled like a fish left on land while the students she had almost cornered cheered and high-fived each other before turning to Peter—who had finally released Lestrange's ear and sat on his hind legs on the floor.

Peter gave the two a little salute, and the students returned it before he ran to see who else needed rescuing.

Turns out, you can do surprisingly much as a rat.

"Padfoot!" James shouted as he zoomed across the grass on his broom. "Pads! Sirius!"

Sirius had changed into his dog form and engaged the werewolves. Idiot! With the fake moon gone, the werewolves lay on the ground and didn't appear to be moving anytime soon.

Where's Sirius? Panic rose in James. He could lose his best friend—his brother!

"James!" Diane called from the other side of the field. "There! I see him!"

James followed Diane's pointing finger to a big, black dog, limping toward the castle. He flew to meet Sirius and jumped from the broom before it stopped. "Sirius, you idiot! They could have killed you!"

The dog transformed back into a young man. Sirius' left eye swelled and turned almost black; one lip was cracked, and scratches and other wounds covered him. His right foot bent unnaturally. But still, he wore that stupidly cocky smile.

"You're the worst," said James. "You know that, right?"

"I was cool though, wasn't I? Look at me—jumping in, saving the others. I'm like a real hero!" He grinned as blood dribbled from his cut lip.

Diane landed beside them. "We need to get you to safety."

Sirius shook his head. "I'm good. I can still fight."

"Your leg is broken!" said James. "Clearly, you had your hero moment. We're getting you out of here. Get on the broom, stupid."

At first, Sirius pouted, then followed James' instructions and hopped on the broom to ride behind him.

They flew to one of the more secure castle towers.

"Ya think your girlfriend might get jealous?" Sirius joked as he held onto James' waist.

James rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we all know I don't swing that way."

"Not even for me?" said Sirius.

"Dude, you would be the last one I'd want to be romantically involved with."

"Aww. I'm hurt! Wish I wasn't out of the fight..."

"You did your part. You bought them time, protected them. I don't think anyone got bitten."

"Yeah? That's good. I was cool... saving the day. Padfoot rules." Sirius paused. "Prongs?"

"Yes, Pads?"

"Beat their sorry hides for me, will you?"

James smirked. "Sure."

Fractured pathsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora