Return to the mansion

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Ice rippled down Lucy's spine as she, Regulus and Kreacher landed outside the mansion—already rebuilt. No one would know to look at it a fire swept through not so long ago. I don't want ta go in here... Not again.

"Does Master Regulus require anything else?" said Kreacher.

"Just the usual. Don't tell."

"Yes, Master." Kreacher nodded and vanished with a crack.

"Lestrange Manor..." said Lucy. "What's the plan?"

"Sneak in—with this." Regulus pulled the gleaming silver cloak from his pack.

"Ye stole James' invisibility cloak?!"

"Borrowed. I'll give it back—if I get the chance..."

"That's sorta like stealin'," said Lucy.

"Don't tell me you'd be above stealing if the situation were reversed."

"I would! Me mum always told me honesty's one a the most important things in life. What if James and the rest need it for somethin' dangerous? You know they rush into things. What if they plan ta use the cloak only ta discover it's missin' but go ahead with the plan, anyway? They'd do that!"

Reg snorted. "We need it more than them. Since I know this place, I'll lead the way. Cover me."

Lucy hesitated.

"What? Forget your deflection spells?"

"Course not. But... I'm sixteen."


"Ye had yer birthday early in the year, but most a the rest of us are still sixteen."

"And you didn't think to tell me this?"

"I thought ye knew before ye asked me. I'm not goin' back! Ye can't make me!"

"Lucy." Regulus drew out her name, as if she were a misbehaving cat.

"No. Ye need me. That's why ye brought me, so don't ye be thinkin'—"

"Lucy." This time it was a harsh whisper.

"—ye can brush me off easily."

Regulus clapped a hand over her mouth and pulled her into a row of tended shrubs. "Shh!" He threw the invisibility cloak over them the instant before a young man peered over the bushes.

Lucy's heart vaulted into her throat and the blond man stared at their hiding place with narrowed gray eyes. Regulus' hand spread over her nose and stifled her breath. Lucy fought not to choke.

When the young man finally left and Reg let her go, Lucy shoved his hand away and gasped one full breath, which she held until any footsteps faded.

"Malfoy," Regulus mumbled. "Seems they have house guests this evening."

"Does this mean we wait?" said Lucy.

"I guess."

"Even if we wait 'til they're alone, it'd be hard ta ransack the place without gettin' caught."

"What ransack? Have you any idea how many secret hiding places are in there? And we don't know the Horcrux is even here."

"Then what're we doin' here?"

"Bellatrix knows where it is." Regulus seemed annoyed.

"We're goin' ta follow her around?"

"Don't be stupid. I have this." He pulled out a small vial containing a clear liquid.

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