Too far

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December passed quickly, and the Marauders were busy. They wanted to do as much as possible before Christmas vacation, when many students would head home.

When graffiti covered the walls—declaring such things as, "Down with Voldemort!", "We like muggles," and "Equality for all"—the war between Hogwarts' students and their tyrants began. And the Marauders organized it with glee.

Already, the Marauders had gotten plenty of detentions—sometimes without reason. Yaxley and Spinner, though cruel, weren't idiots. They knew who was behind the mess, but they had no proof. The original Marauders prided themselves in their many years' training on navigating Hogwarts unseen—even without an invisibility cloak.

Though detentions abounded for everyone, Lily received more than the rest. Each one focused on the same question.

"Where are they?" Spinner snarled in Lily's face.

She spat a wad of blood on his desk, grinned, and laughed. "Like I've told you a thousand times, I don't know."

Spinner stepped to the window. Outside, the quiet, snow-covered campus lay in darkness. "Severus Snape is the biggest concern. You and I both know he's out there. Black and O'Hara are probably dead by now."

"Why would they be dead?" said Lily.

"If—as you've said—you haven't head from them, two inexperienced children, out alone in this cold... Tsk tsk." Spinner shook his head. "Sticking their noses where they don't belong. What are the chances they're still alive?" He faced her. "Every day they're out there, it's more likely they've perished. Think about that."

For once, Spinner's words dampened Lily's fire. She looked away.

"It's getting late. Dismissed." Spinner waved her out, uncaring.

Once outside, Lily frowned. Today wasn't as bad as usual. She checked her watch. Didn't think I'd make it on time, but I will. Looks like fate's with me tonight.

Lily walked into the common room, back straight. The Marauders already waited for her.

"That ended early," said James.

"Need anything?" Remus held his wand ready.

"Not really," said Lily. "I'm just a little sore. No worries."

Remus packed away his wand, though he didn't seem pleased with Lily's refusal.

"Ready?" said James.

The group gathered their things and made sure the common room was empty—even though it always was at such a late hour.

Lily counted everyone. Only four? "Where's Peter? He decide to sit this one out? But he's been so helpful lately."

"No idea," said James with a frown. "I thought he'd be here."

"He probably just forgot," Remus said, though he appeared to know how unlikely that was. "Or... maybe he took a nap and didn't wake up. We are all pretty exhausted these days."

That speculation worked better, and the other Marauders nodded.

"Let him rest," said James. "He deserves it."

The group sneaked from the common room.

James had told Lily about his vanished invisibility cloak and his suspicion that Regulus and Lucy took it. The timing couldn't be a coincidence. Lily knew James was secretly glad the two at least had that. It gave them a better chance of still being alive, and if the danger became too great, they could hide. However, it meant the Marauders and their friends would have to exercise caution.

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