My Time Away?

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Akagi, who had revealed herself to her employer, her old commander Nagato, is traveling alongside her to her new home.

Traveling in silence, she was contemplating what life will throw at her now, since she is back at the place she once was hated and feared.

Akagi: I guess it's simple, it's better to be feared than loved if one cannot be both

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Nagato was thinking of her own questions too ask her, ultimately summoning the courage to speak.

Nagato: So, Akagi...what were you doing all this time?

Akagi: Not now Nagato, later on I'm going to speak to everyone and answer their questions, so let me walk in peace, and look upon the place I never expected to be welcomed back too

Nagato sensed the pure power behind her words, she didn't even try to sway or persuade her, she was blunt and to the point, not missing a beat.

Nagato: What happened to you Akagi?
Nagato: Ok, you're staying in this room, I hope you find it comfortable

Akagi walked into the room, it was a basic dorm, not much decorations put up, but she could always change that, for now, it was enough.

Akagi: Thank you for offering a room Nagato

Nagato: I-it was nothing

Akagi: As for what I said earlier, can you gather everyone to the main square so I may explain?

Nagato: I believe everyone is already there, the situation of you coming back is pretty big, so plenty of people must be gossiping

Akagi: *sigh* Word travels fast when it's behind your back, huh? Well let's be off, can't be late to my own interrogation
Enterprise: Good evening everyone, I know that we all gathered here earlier today, but at the request of our newest member, we are here to learn about her!

Mutsuki: Umm...we already know who Akagi is Miss Enterprise

Nagato: You all know the old Akagi, whatever happened to her has changed her completely. Ive seen it myself, she's terrifying

Murmurs broke out in the crowd, until the sound of boots echoed across the field. From the right of the stage, Akagi was entering and soon sat down on a plastic chair she found in the courtyard.

Q.E: Did you really have to bring the chair?

Akagi: YES! It's plastic is comforting to me


Akagi: Well! We don't have all day, so get asking!

She set Yamato to the side and prepared herself for a shitstorm.

Akagi: Also! Nagato, you choose who gets their question asked!

Nagato: Alright then...Yuudachi!

Yuudachi: Yes! Akagi, why did you leave the Empire?

Akagi: *sigh* I knew that was gonna be asked...I failed the Empire, plain and simple! In my selfish quest to get my sister back, I threatened the whole world, I was unable to look you all in the eye when I realized what I had done. With that, I knew I was no longer welcome, so I left with at least some of my dignity still intact

Kaga: We never wanted you to leave! We understood that you were blinded by the thought of getting Amagi back, I went through the same thing and I was accepted!

Akagi: The past is the past Kaga, you can't change it question!

Nagato: Cleveland!

Forsakened, yet AwokenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant