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Yamato: Akagi? You down here?

Akagi: Yeah, just finishing something up

Yamato: Well what is it?

Yamato heard footsteps from downstairs, eventually revealing Akagi with a set of gauntlets and Greaves.

Akagi: This! I was working on Beowolf

Yamato: Beowolf? That's what you called it?

Akagi: Yep! After the old English tale when the man in question tore of a giants arm with raw strength alone

(I know it's not the actual reason they're called that, but there isn't a demon called that here so I improvised)

Yamato: Well, I guess that makes sense

Akagi took off the weapons and put it aside, leaving them for tomorrow.


Akagi: Yamato, what time is it?

Yamato: 7

Akagi: Pm?

Yamato: No

Akagi groaned as her ears flattened, she missed a perfectly good night of sleep!

Yamato: Don't go whining now, it's your fault you spent all night on those things

Akagi: Yeah...can you get me a coffee while I wake our Siren buddies?

Yamato nodded and left to the kitchen. Akagi went to the guest room and opened the door quietly.

Inside the room, the two sirens were asleep in bed, hugging each other.

Akagi: Aww~, that's so adorable!

She hated that she had to do it, but they needed to wake up. She walked over to the bed and gently shook them.

Akagi: Wake up you two, it's morning

Tina: Mmm...noooo...

Tilly:*dreaming* Fluffy tailsss....

Akagi:*sigh* You leave me no choice then

She brought out a speaker that was in the corner of the room. Eventually she put on a song and set the speaker to full volume.

Akagi: And 3...2...1



Tina/Tilly: AAAAAHHHHH!!!

They fell out of the bed in a bundle of blankets and limbs. Akagi turned off the speaker and untangled them, holding them in each hand.

Akagi: Sleep well you two?

Tilly: Fuck off fox hunt!

Tina: That wasn't funny!

Akagi: You two wouldn't wake up. Now get ready and go downstairs, Yamato should be making something

Akagi left the room after that, heading downstairs and into the kitchen. She caught an object that was flung at her at high speeds, popping the cap and drinking from it.

Akagi: Thanks for the coffee Yamato

Yamato: Anytime

She took the frying pan off of the burner and set it aside, finally finishing the breakfast and setting it on the table.

At that exact moment was when the two sirens walked into the room

Tina: Breakfast smells great!

Forsakened, yet AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now