Mission Start

569 21 18

Remi watched from the window, a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass with her as she watched Kaga training with her sword.

She watched her mindlessly swing the sword, when a thought cane to her.

Remi: Hey Kaga! Try twisting the sword!

Kaga swung the blade, but looked up to Remi.

Kaga: What do you mean "twist the sword"?!

Remi: When you swing it, use the weight to twist the reeving handle!

Kaga:...You mean the Twistgrip, but I get what you mean!

She put her feet at shoulder width, holding the blade at her side. Quickly, she raised it behind her and swung down, twisting the grip as she went.

The blade shot out fire as she did so, the action surprising Kaga.

Kaga: I...charged it mid swing?

Remi: Yeah! I bet Akagi would be proud of that!

Kaga smiled, and she swung the blade and repeated the process. Twisting the grip with each swing. Finally, she felt the sword rumbling in her grip, so she swung upwards and released its power.

The force behind it launched her a lot higher, as she spun with the blade and formed a flarenado from the blast.

Kaga: YEAH!!

Remi: That's incredible!

She landed on the ground, excitement filling her veins.

Kaga: What else can I do? That alone was intense!

She looked towards the training dummies that were set up for human practice...which she "borrowed" for training purposes.

She ran at one and repeated her swings, filling her blade with power as she left large gashes on the dummy.

Kaga: Lights out!

She stabbed her blade into the dummy and pulled the "brake", releasing a massive explosion that reduced it to ash.

Kaga: Hahahaha! This is great!

Remi:*To herself* Style really does wonders...

Kaga: I gotta keep going...this is too thrilling!

She gathered her energy, transforming into her Siren form.

Kaga(ST): So much power!

She charged the blade, swinging it as both wind and fire blew past the trees and knocked several trees a bit loose from their roots. She looked at the dummies as the power coursed through her.



Kaga(ST): I...need more...

The energy formed a blue aura around her as she looked at another dummy.

Kaga(ST): More power...

She slashed at the dummy, as something else slashed with her blade.

Kaga(ST): I need more!

Her energy spiked as her tails flapped wildly. They shot past her and grabbed the dummy still standing, ripping it to shreds as she watched with golden eyes that slowly grew brighter.

Kaga(ST): More!!

She slashed behind her as two of her tails glowed a bright blue, launching a beam that formed an X. It tore through several trees and dissipated soon after.

Forsakened, yet AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now