First Job and First Fight

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I've decided that when Yamato is speaking, she will have a slightly different name depending on if she is in the sword or not:

(Yamato): this is her in the sword
Yamato: This is when she is in physical form

Now onto the story!
In another location...

The Azur Lane conference hall, a somewhat large room that can be used for both meetings and celebrations.

In it, we have the heads of each faction, as well as their second-in-commands.

Eagle Union has Enterprise and Cleveland

Royal Navy has Queen Elizabeth and Wales

Ironblood has Bismarck and Eugen

And the Sakuras have Nagato and Mikasa

All of them are waiting for their siren hunter to arrive, simply passing the time.

Mikasa: So...does anyone have words to say about Akagi?

Cleveland: Well, to start, she has changed a LOT

Warspite: Oh definitely

Enterprise: I'm surprised she didn't try to kill me the first time she stepped foot here

Bismarck: That's one thing, but have you seen how she was handling our aggression? She didn't even summon her riggings

Q.E: Perhaps we can ask her about that when she gets here

Eugen: *sigh* Why is she even here?! We can handle the sirens!

Bismarck: Eugen, you know that we are having trouble, and she can be a massive help

Eugen: But-

Nagato: She didn't kill your sister, your sister sacrificed herself to save many lives...don't hang that over her head

Silence filled the room once more, time slowly passing by while they waited.


Cleveland: Man...Akagi is such a badass

Everyone: Agreed

That moment, the doors opened, revealing Akagi and Kaga, with Akagi flashing a toothy smile.

Akagi: Aw, you do care!

Eugen: You better shut it before I make you!

Akagi: Sheesh, all bark no bite

Enterprise: Thank you for coming Akagi, you may sit down in any chair here, then we'll start

Akagi: Alright then, I'll sit on yours

Enterprise: H-huh?!

Akagi: *smiling* That was a joke! Let's just get this meeting started

Nagato: Uh...right. So, recently we have been picking up on remote radio activity roughly 40 kilometers from Kiribati. At first, we thought it was just a group of vessels sailing together, but the increased activity makes that highly unlikely

Akagi: So the sirens are at play then

Nagato: Correct

Bismarck: With that in mind, we're asking you to go with the group that will be sent tomorrow to give them extra firepower and support

Enterprise: That operation will be spearheaded by both me and the Queen, so get ready for tomorrow

Akagi: That's all? I honestly thought this would take longer

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