Awaken, Perfect Hybrid

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Shantien hovered over what was left of the city, noting how the Sirens he had controlled were completely disintegrated. The rubble was sometimes aflame with blue fire that was similar to his own.

He growled as he smelt the energy of his target all around him, he knew she must still be nearby, but had no clue of pinpointing her location until she-

?: HEY!

-did it herself

Looking to the distance, Shantien saw his prey, alongside a white lookalike, possibly a kin to her.

Akagi: Last time wasn't a fair fight dragon, but I'm back at my peak!

She pulled out a blade, not like her first one yet seemingly just as powerful, if not more.

Akagi: Come and get some you ten ton snake!

This is it Akagi...the final battle

Kaga: What's the plan?

Akagi: Well...

She looked to Kaga

Akagi: I don't got one, we're improvising

Kaga:*sigh* Of course...

She took a step forward, but was pulled back by Akagi.

Akagi: Kaga, you can't just go in and not wave to the audience!


Kaga: What? An audience?

Akagi smiled and pointed up and to her right.

Akagi: Right there is a small gathering of energy, and based off of what happened in this city before I turned it to rubble, Azur lane is watching me...and now you...again

Kaga: knew we were watching you before?

Akagi: Yep, kind of hard not to notice what's practically an orb of energy constantly following you

She did a two finger salute to the orb, while Kaga awkwardly waved.

Akagi: Alright ready dragon?

Shantien narrowed his eyes and released more air through his wings, whipping the air around the sisters into a gale like frenzy.

Akagi:*smiles* I'll take that as a yes

She and Kaga bolt ran towards Shantien, as he blasted towards them as well. Shantien gathered his aura and powered his assault onwards as both Akagi and Kaga followed suit, blue and red streaks fused into one as they swung their blades.

Akagi: It's time to finish this dragon, once and for all!

Then, they clashed

Even through the screen, the people of Azur lane could feel the power from the clash. The two Sirens(the other two were still learning restraint) nearly collapsed from the blowback coming through the feed.

Tilly: Good lord...that lizard's strong!

Tina: It's so beautiful, but it's deadly too...

Yorktown gently grabbed them and forced them to sit, seeing their wobbly state.

Nagato: Will they be able to take down that thing?

Enterprise: Hard to say, but I think out of everyone, they definitely have the best chance

The screen showed Akagi lowering Force Edge, letting Kaga jump on the blade as she launched her up above Shantien. From there, she activated her trigger and grabbed hold of Shantien.

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