Heated Argument

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Akagi: I didn't expect her to just collapse like that

Yamato: You just demonstrated how accurate, powerful, and fast you are with that blade, it's unnatural and near incomprehensible

Akagi:. And you make it sound like a college lecture

Yamato: Well it's the only way to describe it moron!

Akagi: Oi! Don't call me a moron you bastard!

Yamato: Oh really? Well I apologize you deadweight!

Akagi: I brought you back to this world and I will take you back out of it!

Yamato: Now you're trying to lecture me like an old lady?! How the mighty have fallen

Akagi: I didn't see you doing anything you overloaded building!

Yamato: Ohohoho...you know just how to push my buttons huh?!

Akagi: We've worked together for a year now so I know what makes you tick!

Yamato: And what makes you think you can read me like a book?!

Akagi: I've been around that kind of thing before and you know that!

Yamato: Yet here you are bickering with your sword!

Akagi: The same sword that will soon stop the siren invasion!

Yamato: How can you be sure of that?!

Akagi: I know I can, and I fucking will!

She materialized next to Akagi, baring her teeth and mighty pissed.

Yamato: You think you have it all good, all dandy, but let's not forget what you were like!


Yamato: You were driven by your anger! You didn't care for anything other than killing the sirens in front of you!

Akagi: I know-

Yamato: You know? YOU KNOW?! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!!

Akagi: What do you mean by that?!

Yamato: How many times have you collapsed from exhaustion?!


Yamato: Exactly, too many fucking times to count!

Akagi: I needed to do that! How else would we be here now?!

Yamato: I know, I accepted that we needed to do that. But you took it too far!

The two stared into the others eyes, both standing tall, exuding their power.

Yamato: You mastered the sword 5 months ago, yet you keep pushing yourself, every damn day I would have to carry you inside after you tear yourself apart!

Akagi: You know why I do this! I need to stop those damn sirens! No matter the cost!

Yamato: You won't be able too if you tear your muscles out before you even get to the fight! For crying out loud, you lied to them! You didn't lose your tails in a fight, you cut them off yourself to make a smaller target!

Akagi: I had no choice! I needed more power to stop them! My power was the only thing that stood between them and the humans!

Yamato: Your power doesn't mean you fight alone! The humans have the other ship girls as well!

Akagi: Yet they still don't cut it sometimes, humans are weak, they need protection!

Yamato: You're not their protector anymore!

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