Fight Through Fire and Ice

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You know what time it is :)

Akagi's words of encouragement echoed through the fleet, every girl felt their power surge as energy coursed through them.

As the siren ships noticed the approaching girls, the laser cannons began to charge, the light visible from their current position. The girls paid no mind to them, with a ferocious war cry, they lit up the sky, just as the sirens released their payload.

The battle has begun.

With shells and lasers moving through the air, both sides were given a brief moment of silence as they waited for the results of their attack.
When the lasers came down, the girls dodged the oncoming fire, only getting small scratches and slight burns.

The sirens, as production models, don't have their maneuverability, and were hit with plenty of shells. The first batch of ships went down as soon as the fight started.

Now, chaos reigned

Shells and laser flew past each other, no matter where you look, gunfire could be seen. Casualties came from both sides, sirens destroyed, girls crippled, it was a bloody battle.

But the back lines of each side sat relatively safe, battleships shelling their opposition, while carriers battled for control of the sky.

All of a sudden, a thunderous explosion echoed from the siren back lines. The front line shipgirls turned to the oncoming shockwave, bracing as it hit them and sent the small destroyers reeling.

The back lines gazed upon the destruction of a siren carrier, no shells were launched there, and the air was to thick to bomb it, what was the cause?


Akagi:*radio* Carrier down everyone, so stop gawking and get your ass moving or you're dead!

Ah yes, the mercenary of Azur lane, Akagi.

Her voice broke the girls from their stupor, and the battle continued.

On Akagi's side of the conflict, the battleship secondaries lit up the area around her, trying to land a clean shot on the woman. Each shot that rang too close was deflected away from her, sometimes hitting another ship.

Akagi: These things really are machines if they're that idiotic!

(Yamato): How many times will it take until the sirens figure out that lasers can be reflected?!

Her question went unanswered as Akagi drew closer to a battleship. A bomber flew close by her, dropping its payload.

Thinking fast, Akagi jumps into the air and angles her self towards the detonating bomb, the shrapnel isn't enough to pierce her skin, but the force sent her higher into the air.

Right onto the bomber that dropped the bomb.

Akagi: Yamato, you ready for this?!

(Yamato): As ready as I'll ever be!

Akagi raised Yamato over her head, before plunging it into the siren bomber. A bright flash went over the plane, and the highlights shifted from red to blue.

From the inside of the cockpit, a blue spectral figure of Yamato sat down and grabbed the controls.

Yamato: Haha! It fucking worked!

Akagi: Hell yeah!

Yamato piloted the now converted Bomber over the battleship, dropping bombs and detonating several turrets on the ship.

Yamato: So this is how it feels...I wish I was a damn carrier now!

Akagi: It's not all fun and games woman, so keep bombing!

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