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Akagi: So then, what your saying is that the Arbiters are gathered in that building? Like their home?

(Yamato): Yep, this fortress is the most important place in the world, as it's where the Arbiter's live and plan their assaults

Akagi was speeding along the dark landscape. Even the "nature" of this place was dark and decrepit.

Akagi: We've been driving for hours now, how much longer?

(Yamato): Should be about 20 more minutes and we'll see the fortress

Akagi:*sigh* Great...

The sounds of tinkering and constructing were heard coming from the room. Tilly was working hard on building new pieces of gear for her and Tina to use in case of anything happening.

Tilly: A nice pistol always helps, but I want a good one...maybe a revolver?

She hammered the steel again.

Tilly: Why not...a double barreled revolver?!

She hammered again.

?: Excuse me? Tina?

Tilly: It's Tilly down here!

She put the steel to the side, walking to the stairs and looking up at the guest to Akagi's house.

Tilly: What do you need Kaga?

The Kitsune walked down the stairs and looked around the room.

Kaga: I heard all the hammering and came to check it out. Thanks for teleporting me by the way

Tilly: No problem, but was there anything else you needed?

Kaga:'s about Akagi

Tilly: What is it?

Kaga walked past her and looked at the many plans for equipment Akagi had.

Kaga: I'm still scared for her Tilly. I know she can handle herself, but I'm still worried that she might run into a challenge she can't surpass...what do I do if that happens?


Tilly: I'm not sure Kaga, but I think Akagi would know better than to go into a suicide mission without backup

Kaga: And yet, she goes straight for the Siren homeworld

Tilly chuckled, but went back to the table and continued beating the steel into shape.

Kaga: Tilly?


Tilly: Yep?

Kaga: Do you think Akagi has anything in store for me?


Tilly: Not sure, but take a look around if you think so. I only touch the plans and resources


Kaga listened to her and started snooping around the room, finding small trinkets and odds and ends. She didn't find anything of value other than a gold button that she put on her uniform.

Kaga: I'm going to check her room, is that alright?

Tilly: Might as well, you don't know if she'll come back to rest there again


She left the basement and went upstairs to explore her sister's room. Opening the door, she found the room to be pretty modest, with a bed and several standard things like a mirror and closet.

Kaga: Kind of plain, but I guess she likes that

She opened the closet and saw her many outfits, including her original Sakuran uniform.

Forsakened, yet AwokenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum