Surprise Encounter

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The training session with Remi proved fruitful, she was a fast learner as Akagi found, but tended to be a bit hard-headed when it came to ending the training. She wouldn't give up no matter what, until Akagi literally threw her into the combat training yard with the other officers, embarrassing the poor girl.

Akagi: She is something else...

She was enjoying herself while things were happening around the base, mostly Manjuus and other Humans carrying and moving cargo from place to place.

Akagi: Hm?!

That is, until she felt a soft tug on her heart, and she knew exactly what that meant.

Akagi: Yamato! Get everyone to safety now!

Yamato: (Already on it!)

She could hear the shouting of voices as Yamato rallied both shipgirls and humans away from Akagi's position. With the space now clear, the tugging in her chest stopped, as a portal appeared a short distance away from her.

Akagi: You Sirens just don't know when to quit do you?

From the portal, a humanoid model equipped with a strange scythe like weapon stepped out of it. It look vastly different than the normal human models, one being it's lack of rigging and the second being the armor and weapon of choice.

Akagi: An actual weapon fight? That's new

Even more portals opened with similar models appearing from them, encircling Akagi.

Akagi:...Well shit, guess we're doing this then

She stood there and watched as the models did the same, neither side giving lee way for the other. She kept her eyes locked on the original siren that appeared, falsifying her intentions and how she was actually keeping an eye on the entire battlefield.

Nearby, on a lantern pole, a camera was stationed and recording the encounter between the two sides. The emergency bunker the personnel were held in gave them access to the cameras, allowing them to watch.

Warspite: May I ask why even we are down here?

Yamato: It's a simple reason, they're after her leaving you all as obstacles. She wanted to send you all away so she didn't have to worry about other lives

They watched the screen, keeping sharp for any change in the staredown.

Soon enough, the Sirens lunged at Akagi, which for the girls, looked very fast, to where dodging would be an issue.

Akagi: Let's get this done...


Akagi: That...was too easy


Yamato: It actually is for someone like her

Zuikaku:*terrified* I was that close to death...

Akagi put her hand to her hair, wiping it through and getting most of the blood out of it.

Akagi: Gonna need a shower later if this keeps up

She slowly made her way to the docks, taking a moment to watch the now quiet base that once had chatter and life coursing through it.

Akagi: If the Sirens are so bold too attack me even here...something must be up

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