The Daughters of the Empire

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Akagi, Kaga, and Remi were all back inside, with Remi standing away and near the kitchen incase she needed to hide. Akagi sat in the armchair and had her hands cupping her face, completely still. Kaga was on the couch and shuffling uncomfortably, sweating quite a bit and looking anywhere but her sister.


Akagi: You went into Siren form...


Akagi: You let loose the overwhelming power that comes with it...


Akagi: And you didn't have CHECK YOU?!

Kaga flinched as her ears flattened and her tails wrapped around her, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Akagi: Kaga, I know I told you to learn something new, but I never said to threaten your own identity! You could have just straight became a Siren right then and there!


Akagi: You!...No, I can't be mad. That's on me since I didn't tell you about that part of the Trigger

Kaga looked out from between her tails with an eyebrow raised?

Kaga:'re not mad?

Akagi: Oh I'm furious, a bit at myself and a bit at you

She stood up and drew the Yamato, the shattered blade still being painfully obvious.

Akagi: I'll release my anger on some Sirens, and you're coming with me

Kaga stood up quickly at that notion.

Kaga: Really?!

Akagi: Yep, so get your sword and let's go...I pity the fools who get in my way now...

Kaga: This is...

Akagi: I know, it's quite the scene isn't it?

They were back on top of the tower in the Siren world, and Kaga was idly watching the surroundings while Akagi got to work on making a beacon.

Kaga: Why is it so dead here?

Empress: It was like this when we came

She jumped a bit and looked to her side, seeing the spectral figure of Arbiter III.

Empress: It was a large and resource heavy planet. Add onto the fact we don't necessarily need to use normal body functions, and it was a perfect world to be on

Kaga: are we able to be here without dying then?

Empress: My guess? You're half Siren now, so the physiology of our own bodies helps yours survive

They both looked at Akagi, who is still fumbling with the machine.

Akagi: Work dammit!

She kicked it and watched with glee as it sputtered to life.

Akagi: Yes!



Akagi: FUCK!!

She kicked the device straight off the building.

Akagi; Fuck it, I'm gonna be the beacon

Kaga: W-wait wha-


She was assaulted by an insane surge of energy as Akagi went into her Siren form, continuously rising her power as she charged an attack.

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