Escape of the Siren Hunter

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Akagi was alone, and she was staring down a beast that merely glanced at her to make her feel inferior.

Whatever this thing was, it was obviously strong...too strong for her right now.

Akagi: If I was at 100%, I think I'd at least stand a chance!

It roared and charged at her, which she took as the initiative to dodged using her "trick."

Shantien slammed into the wall behind her, breaking it and freeing him into the other room. He looked back to Akagi to let her see no wounds or damage from such a strong impact.


She turned around slowly and walked away.


Akagi: RUN AWAY!!

She high tailed it up the stairs as Shantien roared again and gave chase. He was right on her (now gone) tail and tried to bite her, which she redirected with hits from the Yamato.

Akagi: Get the hell away from me you living scrap heap!

Shantien: Grrr...

Akagi: O-oh...I mean...nice dragon?

He roared in her face, with Akagi screaming in pure fear as she ran back up the stairs, making it back up the stairs and turning to the side just as Shantien blew through the wall behind her.

Akagi: Calm your ass down for a second!

If the dragon could understand her, it clearly didn't listen and continued charging at her.

And that was when she felt it.

She felt like her feet were getting wet. Looking down, she realized why they were.

Akagi: Water?

She heard the sounds of rainfall, and looking up confirmed that the ceiling had collapsed in some areas.

Akagi: The weather was fine when we came...


Akagi froze up and spun around, blocking Shantien's bite with the sheathe and sword.

Akagi: Grr...get lost in thought and this shit happens!

She equipped Beowolf and punched Shantien in the nose, sending him reeling as she continued down the pathway.


Akagi: Shit, what can I do against a beast of THAT power?!

She rested with her hands on her knees, breathing heavily as she looked around the room she was in.

Akagi: This...this is the throne room

She looked around as she saw the corpses of Strength and Hermit, laying with lifeless eyes.

Akagi: You bastards did a number on me...but I had fun

She stood back up and put away Beowolf, pulling the Yamato out of its sheathe.

Akagi: I have to rest, there's no way I can beat that thing yet

She raised the blade and slashed down to make a portal.


Had it not been for one glaring issue.

A scaled claw stopped the blade mid slice, only cutting a small chip of it off.


She looked over her shoulder and saw the glowing blue eyes of Shantien staring into her soul.

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