Spilt Under Twilight

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Akagi: I'm not too sure about this Yamato

Yamato: You'll have to do it, you wouldn't want Kaga being left out of the loop and suddenly told you're dead right?

Akagi: Yeah...I guess you're right

She had just called a meeting for Azur lane, just like when she first arrived there. However, instead of introducing herself, she was giving farewells since she might not come back alive.

Soon they both heard the girls settling down and the other workers also arrived, which meant it was finally time.

Akagi: You ready?

Yamato: I'm right behind you

Akagi breathed deep, and stepped out onto the stage. She looked out and saw the hundreds of shipgirls and hundreds of human personnel that she had to speak to, and she knew that it wouldn't be easy on anyone.

Akagi: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have something important to say


Akagi: First, is that I have a way to shift this war greatly to humanities favor

She watched the looks of both disbelief and happiness washed over most of the crowd.

Nagato: What is it?

Akagi: Well...it's to destroy the Sirens where they live...

She snapped her fingers, as Yamato turned on a projector and displayed a picture of a portal revealing a futuristic world.

Akagi: In their own world

?: What?!

?2: Their own world?

She let them speak for a bit longer, before she raised her hand and silenced them all.

Akagi: Second, is that this mission will not be taken by Azur lane

Enterprise: What do you mean by that? How else would this happen?

Akagi looked at her, sighing and pulling her blade in front of her.

Akagi: I'm going there...myself



She saw someone practically jump on stage, but she knew who it was from the white and blue outfit and hair.

Akagi: Kaga-


Akagi:...I've been told that already

She gently pushed Kaga back, but her arm was pushed away forcefully.

Kaga: You think that'll stop me from talking too you?! This is suicide-

Akagi: "And I'll get myself killed" I know

Kaga: And why are you still doing it?!

Akagi: This will probably be the only way to stop this war Kaga, so it has to be done

Kaga: No it does not! There's always another way to these things!

Akagi: Kaga please-

Kaga: No, I'm not losing you again!

Akagi: You of all people should know why I need to do this, it's the only way we could possibly deal an actual blow to them!

Kaga: But-

Akagi: You need to remember Kaga; Who was the one that saved Pearl Harbor? Who was the one who prevented the guaranteed death of the Strike group? Who was the one who enforced Humanities hold on the Mediterranean?

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