Buried Deep

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Kaga: How did I get dragged into this again?

After the battle against the Sirens, and Akagi's execution of Harvest, she and Yamato lifted the emergency warning and the base resumed normal functions.

They decided to go out for food and brought along Kaga, since she hasn't seen much of her sister.

Akagi: You wanted to come, right?

Kaga: I thought we were going to a more...well kept place

Akagi:*sigh* While I would agree with you, it's nice to relax yourself every now and then. Besides, blame Yamato for this

Kaga looked over to the fox in question, watching as she ate her Strawberry sundae in bliss.

Kaga: I guess I could get something to eat

Akagi: That's the spirit! Pick something and I'll go get it

Kaga looked at the menu above the registers, singling out a dish.

Kaga: I'll...get a vanilla milkshake

Akagi: Alright, sit tight and I'll bring it

Akagi stood up and went to the counter to order, while Kaga waited in the booth. She looked over to Yamato, who was still happily munching on the sundae.

Kaga: Yamato

The fox opened her eyes and twitched her ears to let Kaga know she heard her.

Kaga: What exactly did my sister go through during her months away from Azur lane?

Yamato gulped down another spoonful, before looking at Kaga with a glum expression.

Yamato: I wasn't there for the first month of the 11, so all I could pick up then was the clues she left behind

Yamato put her spoon down and looked at the brown haired woman, who didn't know she was the subject of interest.

Yamato: When I first woke up, I saw a clean and well kept room, something I never thought I would see again. From there the door opened and that's when I met Akagi for the second time

Kaga: Second?

Yamato: I heard her voice when she saved me from the ocean, and I could barely see her figure, but I did

Her ears droop as she took a deep breath.

Yamato: She had bags under her eyes, and I could tell that she hadn't slept well in ages. When I was left alone in the house a few days later, I went to her room and found several empty bottles of melatonin

Kaga: She couldn't sleep well?

Yamato: That's an understatement, poor girl couldn't sleep even if she tried, her nightmares of that day with Orochi weighted heavily on her...

Kaga: But...how was she in general then?

Yamato: Are you sure you want to hear this?

Kaga thought for a moment, before nodding to Yamato.

Yamato: Well...she was complete shit. She trained day in and out, collapsing from her exhaustion and her wounds she would get from both battle and from her severe training.

Yamato rested her head in her hands as she propped them on the table.

Yamato: I can't tell you how many times she would damn near kill herself in her mad quest to "redeem" the sins she committed...It was sickening to watch as she practically became more and more of a corpse each day


The two looked over and saw Akagi plop down Kaga's milkshake, while she had a chocolate ice cream in her other hand.

Akagi: Here you go, drink it while it's nice and cold!

She sat down and took a bite, before noticing the atmosphere at the table.

Akagi: Whats wrong?

Yamato: Well...she asked about your departure months

Akagi spat out a spoonful of ice cream, wiping it up when she came to her senses.

Akagi: That's...not what I expected

Kaga: Akagi, why did you do that to yourself?!

Akagi: I...am not opening that can of worms, this will end up becoming an argument between the both of us...drop the subject and enjoy your shake

Kaga: Bu-

Akagi: Now

The intimidating glare Akagi gave Kaga practically forced her down itself, without her even wanting too.

Akagi: Now...would you kindly enjoy your shake? It'll get warm soon in this heat


Several hours later, the fox trio came back to Pearl Harbor, content too enjoy the sunset hours on the base itself. Yamato left to do her own thing while Akagi and Kaga were left alone to watch the sunset.

Despite what happened earlier, it was a comfortable silence, rather than an awkward one.


Kaga: Um...Akagi?

Akagi: What is it?

Kaga: Is there any chance we can...keep talking about what happened?


Akagi looked away from Kaga, who drooped her ears, knowing she hit a very sore spot.

Kaga: I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bro-

Akagi: No...you deserve to know more than anyone

She stood up and walked behind Kaga, where the light covered her figure.

Akagi: Watch very closely, ok?

Kaga nodded, so Akagi took off her coat, leaving her in her sleeveless black undershirt. She undid the button holding it together in the middle and pulled it apart.

Kaga: Oh...oh god...

Akagi: You see? This is what happens when you're blinded by hatred and grief

Kaga felt her legs grow weak, simply looking at...whatever THAT was made her feel light headed. She wanted to throw up, but she couldn't do that now, not in front of her sister.

Akagi: This happened because I was caught up in a personal vendetta, I wanted to do nothing but kill the Sirens as fast as possible...and I realized almost too late that my dream would end up my nightmare

She buttoned up her shirt once more, sliding on her coat and giving Kaga a smile.

Akagi: So please, don't think about my past anymore. It wrapped up nicely and it can't haunt me anymore

She walked up to the still shocked Kaga and gave her a hug.

Akagi: Now then, let's get going, I'm sure Yamato cooked up something nice for us when we get inside

She let go of her, watching as Kaga gained a smile of her own.

Kaga: Yeah...I think I'll love that

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