19. Information

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Double update!

"So, what information have you found on my sister Dawn?" We were sat at a long table, black rolling chairs lined up on each side. Dawn was at the end, and I sat beside him on his right.
Across from me was Jimin, and next to Jimin was Taehyung. Next to me on my right was Namjoon, and next to Namjoon was Jungkook. Dawn had a stack of papers in front of him, a frown on his face. "I have a bunch of copies to give out, so after Holly is done handing them out you can all read what I've gathered."
Holly was at the side of the room, and she quickly passed out the copies to us, giving me a small smile before going back to her position.

I didn't return it, still kinda mad for her telling Jungkook about my business. I mean, even if it was actually Jimin that was personal stuff that I've kept to myself for years,
I don't want everybody to know all the shit that I've been through just like that. My eyes train on the papers, skimming through the pages until they stop completely. I felt as if I couldn't breathe.
I was frozen in shock, the noise around me being drowned out by the completely silence of my mind. I didn't want to acknowledge what I just read, and I felt like walking out.

"Yoongi." The soft sound of my name had my head snapping up, and I looked into the eyes of Jimin who was looking at me with worry. That's when I realized that I was the center of attention.
"Yoongi, you're ok right." I nod, focusing my hard gaze on the table. The paper in my hand was practically crumbled, and I wanted to punch the nearest wall.
This is probably the only meeting we're going to have, seeing as we already know the killer. It was obvious to people who pay attention to the little things, but this never crossed my mind.

Min Woyoung.
He killed Jaewa. He, he forced her to do things that she didn't want to do. He tortured her and forced her to tell lies. He was the only other person when I was thrown into that fire,
yet it never crossed my mind. I got up, feeling so much anger in me. I walked out, not bothering to turn behind me to face the person who was running after me. I slam my room door closed,
immediately punching the wall nearest to me. It left a gaping hole, but I didn't care. I took in a deep breath, deciding that I should go back.

I walk out, surprised to see Taehyung standing there outside my room. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"I wanted to check up on you. That was some pretty fucked up shit." I nod, not really caring.
We walk back to the meeting room silently. I open the door and all eyes are in me. Their eyes were wide and full of shock, so clearly they heard me from all the way down the hall.

"I'm fine. We can proceed with this shit." I sit down in my chair, not looking at anyone. Dawn gives my shoulder a slight squeeze before he continues on.
"So, Min Woyoung is the killer of Min Jaewa. We do not know what his reasoning was, or how he did it. We know this because a year ago he had admitted his murder to a rogue on the verge of death.
That rogue was taken in and told the head pack leader, who told the others and that's how I got ahold of it."

"He had raped Jaewa, abused her, and threatened to kill her if she did not say exactly what he wanted to in the email he sent to you Kim Namjoon." I looked over at him.
He was looking at the ground, his fist clenched hard as he breathed in and out deeply. "I feel like such a fool. Such a goddamn fool!"
I didn't feel anything, silently watching as Namjoon freaked out. He deserved it. Taehyung was crying, while Jungkook looked only a little bit sad.

I just want to fucking kill him.
"So Woyoung really admitted all of that information to that rogue? Then what was the point of these meetings if we already know the killer??"
Dawn bit his lip, and I realized that he was trying not to cry. Holly was rubbing his back. "Well first off, these meetings were to track Woyoung's location. Second, the rogue said he talked about the entire situation as if he was bragging. He thought he wouldn't get caught because the rogue was on the verge of dying."
I suppressed my undying rage, until it finally diminished when I realized what Dawn said. "Wait, you said were. What do you mean by were Dawn."

Holly looked at Dawn questioningly too. "When you left Yoongi, a warrrior mind linked me after he finished his guard duty. He found Woyoung dead. Someone had recognized him and confirmed that it was indeed him."
I couldn't believe my ears. That fucker was already dead. He took the easy way out. "Show me to him." Dawn looked like he wanted to say no.
"Show me to him!" Dawn's eyes showed purple and he growled for my submission, but I didn't kneel or show my neck. I didn't care about the burning feeling through my body.

"Dawn, please just show me his body." He sighed, and motioned me to follow him. Two minutes later we were in front of the morgue, and he pushed open the doors for me to walk through.
Once I was inside a simple white room with lots of medical tools I looked at the pale body set on the medical table. There was a white thin fabric that was placed over his body. Woyoung.
That was definitely Woyoung. He looked peaceful, too peaceful. I wanted to kill him myself. How dare he call himself my brother? He wanted to date me and then kill me when I wouldn't? How sick could he get? And then he goes and kills Jaewa, along with raping her.

"I wish I could kill him with my bare hands. I wish all the crimes he committed would be punished by me. Sadly he's dead though." Dawn held my shoulder,
and as I stared at Woyoung more and more I felt my walls build back up faster than quick sand. I pushed his hand off, walking out of the room.
I didn't go back to the conference room. Instead, I go to my own room, which currently had two holes in the walls that needed to be fixed.

Why can't I just be happy?



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