72 * Don't Let Me Die

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72 * Don't Let Me Die

Moonbyul is a strong person but minute behind minute she feel like breaking, there are many texts and calls from her parents, Solar, Frank, E:U, etc. She just decided to ignore the whole world

But what left her thinking and looking at her cellphone on the coffee table of Hwasa's penthouse is...there's a private number calling her, it appeared in the screen of her cellphone few seconds ago, the ID is private so she doesn't have a clue of who could be so she ignores it but then once again, there's that private number appearing on the screen of her cellphone, it's like the 5th call so she takes her cellphone and answer it then place it on her ear

"H-hello?" Moonbyul's voice tremble because there's silence, there's just someone breathing on the other line "Who-Who is this? He-Hello?"






"You...." The person who is talking in the other line has it's voice disturbed, it's sounds sinister like those type of voices that you can hear when someone alter it's voice to cover it's real one...this is beyond creepy and serious and it's sending chills to Moonbyul's spine...fear.....that's all Moonbyul's body can feel, why? Because she can notice that the person in the other line is not stupid, she or he knows what it's doing "Wh-who are you?"

"Got no time....tick tock tick tock....your girlfriend will die... tick tock tick tock .....wanna see her one last time?" Moonbyul gulps listening the other person's creepy voice, she doesn't know what to answer to this question "Please....please don't hurt Hwasa, if you want me, we can do an exchange....life for life but don't hurt her please...I can give you money too just please don't hurt her!" at this point Moonbyul's voice is cracking and her eyes are full with unshed tears, her hands are trembling

Moonbyul has never felt this scared before but the woman that she loves is in danger and she could do anything to recover Hwasa healthy and safe

Even though she is trying to sound brave she is about to pee her pants, she knows something bad, pretty bad will happen today

The other person in the line stays quiet "....tick tock....No cops Moon, if there's any cops she will die...tick tock....The time is running.....Old hotel Aya, room 2020...tick tock....One last time...tick tock.....Time flies...tick tock....Someone will die today and it's not me....tick tock....Revenge... tick tock .....Remember only you and no one else....tick tock.." and with this the line cuts leaving Moonbyul petrified

"Are you ok?" Moonbyul literally jumps when Hyuna talks behind her, Hyuna frowns when notices how pale is Moonbyul "Ye-yes, everything is fine...I...I gotta go home!" and just when Moonbyul is about to pass on her side Hyuna stops her by holding her arm "I heard you...." Moonbyul gulps while blinking trying to cover her tearing eyes

"I...I gotta do this alone Hyuna...I promise I'll bring her alive...nothing bad will happen to her" Moonbyul wipes a tear that fall from her right eye and Hyuna notices this "Please bring her alive, she is my best friend and I can't afford to lose her" Moonbyul nods and then notices her body guards and the police looking at them suspiciously "Don't worry I'll distract them!" with this Hyuna let go off her arm and proceeds with her plan distracting the bunch of men in the large living room while Moonbyul sneaks out of the penthouse

Once inside her car Moonbyul holds the steering wheel but notices terrified how her hands are trembling "I...I can do this...." And with this she leans her body to open the glove compartment of the car and brings out a gun, it's the Heckler & Koch HK45 with silencer, it's a tactical gun that her father gave her as a gift also for self-defense; you don't know when you'll need one more when you are daughter of one of the richest family in this world and since there's no body guards with her today she better prepare for the worst

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