6 * You are on my mind all day and night

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6 * You are on my mind all day and night

After few seconds "Honestly..." I lift my gaze and look into her beautiful eyes "I...I can't"

"I can't kick you out of my mind...now tell me why would you believe that I would sing a song for her...I won't let anyone to fool you...

but I don't wanna lose my friend" she looks away to somewhere else...she is trying to avoid eye contact "Please look at my eyes" I beg her so she does it

"Give me the chance to love you...even I am afraid and I don't know why but I wanna know how are you feeling

Even I promised myself to not say this and wait for you to say it... I can't anymore...

I can't stand there seeing you with someone else while I am dying of jealousy....I know, I am pathetic" she was about to talk but I stop her with my finger on her lips "You it's all I have on my head the whole day

I can't keep crying knowing that you won't be there for me tomorrow...I won't wait until someone steal you away from me, I could die of jealousy that day....I can't live, love, stay without you....I gotta know what are you feeling now" I am---

I can't believe or describe this feeling...did I just confessed to her!?

All I know is that she leans down and catch my lips into hers, automatically I hug her neck closer and I feel her body relax

She leans more, to deep our kiss...OUR KISS...her body warm is wonderful

We both open our mouths immediately...omg this is so, am I dreaming? Is this real? BITCH SHE IS FINALLY KISSING ME

I feel like floating in a cloud, our lips move gently together, our tongues start dancing in slow motion

I melt when I feel her holding my waist closer into her body

We stay there kissing for more than 10 minutes

For some reason we found each other's mouth addictive, well I knew I was addicted since before... I was truly dying to kiss those lips once more

I move away and open my eyes just to see her eyes closed, I look at her lips and notice that she has a big smile

I feel so fortuned that I want to sing a song for her right now...sorry but this is necessary

Jason Chen – I fell in love with my best friend


Now I realize you were the only one

(I start singing then she open her eyes and look at me with those brilliant eyes)

It's never too late to show it
Grow old together
Have feelings we had before
When we were so innocent

(She hugs my waist while smiling like crazy)

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you

(She pulls me closer not leaving a gap between our bodies)

Somebody pinch me, I must be dreamin'
This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

(She leans down and kiss my cheek but doesn't move away...I sing into her ear while smiling, only for her...my only one)

I know it sounds crazy
That you'd be my baby
Girl you mean that much to me

19.The Fallen GodWhere stories live. Discover now